Checking styles that are not being used on a website


Viewed 65 times


I know some tools to check on a site which css styles are not being used, but none of them in my opinion is really complete, someone knows some of the genre to tell me?

  • See if this helps:

  • Hello Munir, to increase the chances of getting a good answer I would recommend rephrasing your question a little. As it stands, she runs the risk of being closed down as "Based on opinions" or "Not clear enough," even though I believe it to be a valid question. It might be easier to give you an answer by understanding what requirements you’re looking for in a support tool.

2 answers


A good way to start is with the Chrome audit tool.

To use it:

  1. Open the tools for developers (Ctrl+Shift+I on Windows and Linux)
  2. Click on the tab Audit.
  3. Select Web Page Performance
  4. Click on Run

Chrome displays all unused rules on the page:

Auditoria do Chrome

  • I didn’t know this tool from Chrome, I just tested really very useful

  • Very Good! Thank you


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