I consulted a Web Service using the class SoapClient
of PHP
and the method __getFunctions()
to list the services provided by this Web Service.
I got the return below:
[0] => ConsultarResponse Consultar(ConsultarRequest $ConsultarRequest)
[1] => ConsultarTipoResponse, ObjResponse ConsultarTipo(ConsultarTipoRequest $ConsultarTipoRequest)
How do I parse to get the word that comes before relatives? The idea would be to ignore everything and take only the occurrence that comes to the left of the relatives.
The return would have to be:
- Constular
- Consultartipo
The word
?– Mauro Alexandre
in the first would be Consult and in the second line Consultartipo. Always catch the first sentence that comes before relatives. For example: Query Answer Query Type(Query $Query Query) would be to pick only Query Type.
– Fábio Jânio