Onmouseover effect


Viewed 1,321 times


I wanted to put two effect on the Onmouseover so that when you hover the mouse over it, the text would be of one color and the background with another color. I am using this code

onmouseover="javascript: this.style.backgroundColor = 'Red'"

but in this case it only changes the Background, as I do to add other properties???

You could create a style in CSS to make it default and use it wherever I want?

3 answers


This can be done easily using only CSS if you prefer.

/* Código para dar o efeito da mudança de cor em 0.5 segundos. */
p {
  transition: all 0.5s;

/* código que faz mudar a cor para vermelho e background para verde */
p:hover {
  color: red;
  background-color: green;
<p>Texto de exemplo</p>

  • in this case you assigned the parameter p, but if I want to create a class and assign in some Divs for example (not in all) which solution? I tried to make .alteraCor{ Transition: all 0.5s; } alteraCor:Hover{ color: red; background-color: green; }

  • It works too, can make this class this way it will work.


You can use several other properties like: Color, Visibility, display, border-color, width, height... among others. Whenever a property is divided by space in css, for example: "background-color and border-color" in javascript has to be together, the second word with the first letter uppercase getting like this: "backgroundColor and borderColor".

  E-mail: <input name="email" type="text" onmouseover="javascript: this.style.backgroundColor = 'Red'"><br>
   E-mail: <input name="email" type="text" onmouseover="javascript: this.style.display = 'none'"><br>
   E-mail: <input name="email" type="text" onmouseover="javascript: this.style.color = 'red'"><br>
  E-mail: <input name="email" type="text" onmouseover="javascript: this.style.visibility = 'hidden'"><br>
  E-mail: <input name="email" type="text" onmouseover="javascript: this.style.borderColor = 'red'"><br>
  E-mail: <input name="email" type="text" onmouseover="javascript: this.style.width = '50%'"><br>

  • Thanks for the help, but I wanted to assign 2 events in the same onmouseover, one that changes the background and one that changes the color of the letter, as the example of Laércio Lopes


Who wants to change only the color of the text and not the background is just take the background and leave the c minusculo: onmouseover="javascript: this.style.color='red'".

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