Which IDE supports PHP 7?


Viewed 2,552 times


Does anyone know of an IDE (or simpler code editor) with PHP 7 support?

I use Netbeans, but it seems that support for PHP 7 in it can be added in future versions, but it is still uncertain.

I’m looking for a IDE or code editor that has PHP 7 code completion and looks for variable names, methods, functions, classes, etc in project files, similar to Netbeans. Does anyone know any, preferably free?

2 answers


Some of the novelties of PHP7

  • Anonymous classes.

  • Return type declaration.

  • Operator null coalesces (??)

  • Spaceshipe operator (<=>)

The Phpstorm 10 has the syntax of PHP7 is a paid IDE. A cost-free option is the eclipse however an add configuration is required.

To enable PHP7 support window>preference in the treeview on the right go on PHP>Interpreter choose the PHP7 option and give ok.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


I am currently using Netbeans 8.2 It comes with PHP7 support. You can download the version only for PHP or All that comes with everything built in. https://netbeans.org/downloads/

  • Netbeans 8.2 is now out and I’m already using :)

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