So said the Master Programmer: When a program is in the testing phase, it is too late to make scope changes.
Legend has it that in a remote province there was a monastery where the Master Programmer shared his teachings. One of his dialogues was about the practices of the infamous court engineer Xingh, and the events surrounding the construction of the Two Bridges.
'Master', discussed one of the architects of the Tang court, 'We begin the work of the North Bridge of the Yellow River following its venerable precepts KISS, YAGNI and DRY, which are the true pillars that support our structure.
But recently the Emperor has been quite impressed with the efficiency of Master Xingh’s team, which apparently ignores all the precepts of the ancient Masters in building the South Bridge - he does not care about balance and harmony, instead reinforcing the structures with whatever is at hand.
Your workers are also treated like slaves - waves of novices come and go, exhausted and disgusted. But still its bridge rises, chaotic to the point where the structure is covered, and its appearance improved. Do you think we’re wasting too much time? We should embrace chaos?'
'Your heart is weak, and your resolve fades with the first breeze,', said the Master Programmer. 'Always seek balance, and always use the pillars of the ancient Masters. Chaos attracts chaos; Harmony attracts harmony.'
The Engineer, embarrassed by the hard but true words, withdrew in silence to the field where the construction team met.
The Imperial Court met for the inauguration of the Bridges eight months later.
The North Bridge stood beautiful and delicate; the pride of its artisans, its graceful forms mirrored in the river. Nothing was missing, nothing exceeded it.
The South Bridge, however, had been completed four months earlier - and already had expansions that made it several times wider. Upon meeting the Architect of the North Bridge with the Emperor, Master Xingh could not contain his slender smirk.
The Emperor, a man of numbers, gold and wars, gave tearful praise to Master Xingh for his efficiency. The Crown Prince, an admirer of the Great Masters, thanked the Architect profusely for the new jewel that adorned the city.
The Emperor rode in Jíduān qù mǎ, his favorite horse, and headed for the South Bridge - at the same time that the Crown Prince headed for the North Bridge, mounted on Wěn.
They were all surprised when a roaring noise from the South Bridge, accompanied by a gigantic cloud of dust and wooden barbs, indicated the moment when both the bridge and the Emperor made their way to the river.
"Someone tested if the bridge held horses?" whispered in shock one of the discredited workers of the South Bridge. They looked at each other in silence.
The Prince, who had already crossed the North Bridge, rode fast to the crash site, his tears becoming part of the river upon finding the Emperor’s broken body. At this time the Master Programmer approached the now Prince Regent, and uttered these words:
"May the pain of your loss diminish with time, but never forget the lesson learned here: May KISS, YAGNI and DRY be the pillars of a long and harmonious reign."
From that time much is gone and there is no more.
From the South Bridge, only the infamous term 'as a Xingh bridge' remains - and many are unaware of its origin. Nature has taken back the banks of the river, and even its foundation stone has been lost.
But to this day visitors to the Imperial City are welcomed by the North Bridge; countless generations of Emperors have passed under its elegant arches, to which time only added dignity. As haughty as the day of its inauguration, its delicate mirrored forms on the river.
Description of the XGH
– Bruno Costa
Related? The link points to an external website...
– Wallace Maxters
It’s basically a joke. In the form usually publicized it doesn’t serve for much, they could do it in a useful and humorous way. I’m not going to answer that, and we’re going to see if the community takes the question well or treats it as something useless. A fool asked a close question in the SE.SE: http://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/q/7217/389
– Maniero
I believe that way of working already existed, but there was no name yet. After this became more common in the programming world due to various reasons, this way of working got a name: Extreme Go Horse. It became a widely used methodology, in several areas. It seems funny, but it’s true. Like the joke they make with Palmeiras not have worldwide. Is it a joke? Yes. But it’s true.
– Diego Souza
@bigown don’t know if it’s useless. All the time I see someone in the chat saying they "did an XGH" :p
– Wallace Maxters
It’s a joke. The Internet is full of these things, example Programming Motherf*Uck*r and Gambi Design Patterns.
– Anthony Accioly
All I’ve seen so far is a joke on the website. I’m leaving, I’m waiting for others to manifest, but for me it’s the same thing or worse than http://stackoverflow.com/q/84556/221800
– Maniero
I’m voting to close this question as out of scope because I think it’s a question nonconstructive, makes room for responses based on opinions and unnecessary discussions.
– Jéf Bueno
It’s definitely a real methodology. I see fans all the time, including here on the site.
– Bacco
If it is useful for the site is something quite debatable, but at least it makes you think and have a good laugh, that is not in any doubt. By the attention that this type of question receives, I believe it should be maintained. By the way, I already eagerly await the answer of @Onosendai.
– cantoni
Don’t close the question, the programming master wants to give an answer :p
– Wallace Maxters
I am against closing this question and I warn you that if it is closed, I will vote to reopen.
– Victor Stafusa
At this point, perhaps it would be nice to have the position of those who are voting negative, since there are positive votes in both the answers and the question. It would be interesting to have a backup so that we can understand what is wrong with the question. "Don’t like it" doesn’t seem like a reason for it (not that I’m saying the votes went in that direction, but in all cases, feedback is welcome)
– Wallace Maxters
In my view, the question is valid. XGH is a term related to programming. If this question is not constructive, I think that the one I made of 'Brainfuck' should also fall into that same point.
– Wallace Maxters
That question is asking "What is XGH?", and not "give me examples of XGH" and neither "what is the best/worst case of XGH you have ever seen?" - So she is not an opinionated question, not too broad and not one Poll Question. It is in fact an objective question, specific, clear and within the scope of the site, and therefore should be kept open.
– Victor Stafusa
The question just appeared on analysis queue, I voted to leave it open, it’s an interesting question and I’ve given star and +1. I like the XGH methodology and the site is with several examples where this pattern is applied in questions and answers (not all of course). Let’s all be true! P
– gato
It would be nice who passed giving -1 in all the answers also justified. With such a radical sequence, it seems that the answers are all wrong :p
– Wallace Maxters
I agree with Victor, the question is not opinionated, Gohorse is something that "exists", and despite being a critic of methodologies and "working environments", it is still something well described and has no opinion A or B, if someone explain that it is not a satire (joke, critique, joke, etc.) is because it did not understand what is in fact Gohorse and this is not case of opinion but rather lack of knowledge.
– Guilherme Nascimento
This question is being debated at the goal: http://meta.pt.stackoverflow.com/q/5447/132
– Victor Stafusa
A little song that explains the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htqIhjhtDBM
– Piovezan