Transactionscope does not transact


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I’m trying to use the TransactionScope in C#, I am performing the tests with local bank, but every time I try to execute some method it returns me this Exception:

Partner transaction manager disabled its support for remote/network transactions. (HRESULT exception: 0x8004D025)

I’ve already activated the Distributed transaction coordinator in services and DTC Local in Component Services, without success.

Part of the code:

    using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
        while (contadorInicial <= contadorFinal)
            Objeto.Codigo = contadorInicial.ToString();

        return true;

1 answer


Several steps to enable distributed transaction support:

  1. Administrative Tools > Services
  2. Enable the Coordinator of Distributed Transactions if it is disabled;
  3. Return to Administrative Tools > Component Services;
  4. Go to Component Services > Computers > My Computer > Right click > Properties;
  5. On the tab MSDTC, click on Configurações de Segurança;
  6. Check whether they are checked "DTC Network Access", "Allow Remote Client", "Allow Input/Output Connections", "Enable TIP";
  7. Apply settings and restart your computer.

If it is not necessary to use the TransactionScope necessarily, try the following alternatives:

1. Using Entity Framework

using (var tx = context.BeginTransaction())
    while (contadorInicial <= contadorFinal)
        Objeto.Codigo = contadorInicial.ToString();


2. Using Sqlconnection or some derivative

// connection é uma SqlConnection inicializada.
using (var tx = connection.BeginTransaction())
    while (contadorInicial <= contadorFinal)
        Objeto.Codigo = contadorInicial.ToString();


Here’s an observation: I don’t know how your DAO works. In any case, it would be nice for your input method to accept a transaction or context as an optional parameter.

  • I have performed all the procedures but the same error keeps occurring, what can I do? (I am trying to perform these procedures on the work computer, and the computers are on a network that is controlled by the IT sector) I wonder if that’s why?

  • Yeah. The database server is on another machine?

  • No, it is a local instance of SQL Server.

  • There is an alternative to Transactionscope that I could use?

  • I’ll put it in the answer.

  • 2

    Thanks, it worked with Sqlconnection!

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