Field select duplicating with Chosen-Rails and relationship has Many through


Viewed 75 times


Personal talk,

I have a GROUP_TV table and it relates to the City table through has Many through.

In the _from.html.erb view of GROUP_TV, I have a collection_select to select as many cities as I want. This works perfectly.

The problem happens when I add Chosen’s Gem and configure it to display in that field, it even works, but on the editing page it duplicates, for example:

If in the NEW action I selected the cities: Americana and Barueri and saved, in the EDIT action appear 2 SELECT fields with the same values in each, see the print below:

Print do erro

How can I fix this?

Follow the select code

<%= f.collection_select(:city_ids, City.all, :id, :name, {prompt: "Selecione as cidades"}, {:multiple => true, class: "select-chosen"}) %>
  • 1

    If you put 3 cities, appear 3 selects or only 2?

1 answer


I don’t know if I remember your problem, but this has happened to me and I solved it in params.permit. using my example:id

 params.require(:project).permit(:name, :description,tasks_attributes: [:id, :description, :done, :melhorar, :_destroy])

that doubt is from six months ago, but someone may have the same problem

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