Javascript error in Wordpress admin after upgrade to version 3.8


Viewed 1,135 times


I recently updated an installation of Wordpress 3.0 for 3.8 and the features of drag and drop stopped working.

I noticed two Javascript errors on the page in the file load-scripts.php indicating a token illegal. The mistake I took from Chrome’s console is that:

Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected Identifier load-scripts.php? c=1&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,jquery-ui-core... pabl e,admin-widgets,svg-Painter,Heartbeat,wp-auth-check,thickbox&ver=3.8:2

I’ve already disabled all plugins and other steps indicated in a forum post Wordpress, but it still didn’t solve the problem.

  • 4

    Put the mistake here, so we can help you better. Another thing, if possible check through Firefox Firebug, it is better to debug javascript errors.

  • 4

    How your error is related to Apache to get that question tag?

  • Take a look at the source code of the file via the firebug network tab, maybe there is a php error.

  • Did you ever try what I said? If it didn’t work out I’m looking for another alternative...

  • Hello Kenny, sorry for the delay... really not yet fucked...

  • @Zuul really... put because it was php... fixed...

  • Jeez...I’ll look for a solution and put here...

  • Instead of saying "... and other steps indicated in a post on the Wordpress forum", it would be better to list what those other steps were. Even if there is a link, it may break down in the future, or new posts may appear on the linked forum after you have asked the question, and a future reader may conclude that you have made some step that has not been made.

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4 answers


Never touch the archives of core Wordpress, even if it’s jQuery.

If you are suspicious that something in the package has broken, download it again and replace the files.

Make a backup of the file wp-config.php and the folder wp-content.


Looking a little more found in Stackoverflow in English a alternative that worked. In the end it was necessary to change php.ini and disable the following configuration variables:


With that, it worked.

  • 3

    If this answer was what solved the problem, I suggest you mark it as "accepted", by clicking on the "tick" below the response score. This will take you to the top of the list of answers.


Try to download the original JQUERY, at least version 1.6.1, copy the content and replace the file wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js.

  • I’m sorry, but the suggestion is terrible... I don’t understand the positive vote...

  • What’s so terrible about it? I respect opinions, as long as they are based on arguments. When you want to criticize something you show what’s wrong.

  • It’s true, if you made the suggestion it’s because you don’t know each time we modify the Wordpress fonts files a kitten dies. In general, the mistake is to make a dequeue jQuery built in and load from a CDN, but it is the first time I see the suggestion to replace directly in the source code.


To solve this problem, take the latest version of Wordpress, in the latest theme, and copy the file 'functions.php' and the folder 'inc' to your current theme.

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