I need to create a game that looks like a bingo game. He has to show a clock running the hundredth of seconds .
Each game member receives a card with multiple numbers from 0 to 99 and he has the option to try to stop the clock at a number he has on his card.
How do I run the hundredths in php and stop when I press a button?
To run a Clock with Hours, Minutes and Seconds, I got:
<script language="JavaScript">
function showtime()
{ setTimeout("showtime();",1000);
var hh = String(callerdate.getHours());
var mm = String(callerdate.getMinutes());
var ss = String(callerdate.getSeconds());
document.clock.face.value =
((hh < 10) ? " " : "") + hh +
((mm < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + mm +
((ss < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + ss;
callerdate=new Date(<?php echo date("Y,m,d,H,i,s");?>);
Hey, buddy, post your html so I can give you a better answer.
– Hugo Leonardo