How to Dropdown ASP NET MVC


Viewed 1,183 times


I have a DTO class

    public class PerfilDTO
        public int Codigo { get; set; }
        public string Descricao { get; set; }
        public SituacaoEnum Situacao { get; set; }
        public List<PerfilFuncionalidadeDTO> PerfilFuncionalidade { get; set; }


And in that DTO I have mine SituacaoEnum which is the below:

 public enum SituacaoEnum
        Ativo = 1,
        Inativo = 2

In my view I have the following:

@model IEnumerable<ControleAcesso.PerfilDTO>

any html and:


How to dropdown from what I have?

3 answers


@{  var lstOpcoes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(SituacaoEnum)).OfType<SituacaoEnum>().Select(sa => 
    new SelectListItem 
            Text = sa.ToString(), 
            Value = ((int)sa).ToString()
@Html.DropDownListFor(dtos => dtos.First().Situacao, lstOpcoes)
  • which necessarily dtos => dtos.First().Situacao do? I put in mine by asking in the parameter but did not understand the pq rs

  • It indicates which parameter will be filled in. In this case, the field Situacao of the first record of dtos. I don’t think that’s the right approach, but it doesn’t get in the way of the answer.

  • 1

    It’s... something tells me I’m going to get a 5 minute stop clock spanking from Asp-net mvc yet. rs. In fact it works perfectly. Thank you!


Hello, @okevinlira

Complementing the reply to @Cigano, you will notice that often you will need to repeat that snippet of code in which you create a list of SelectListItem, so that the options in the dropdownlist are created with the values contained in the Enum.

I suggest you make a Extension method for this as I show below:

public static class DropDownListHelper
    public static List<SelectListItem> DropDownListEnum<T>(this HtmlHelper helper)
        List<SelectListItem> listaItens = new List<SelectListItem>();
        SelectListItem itemVazio = new SelectListItem();
        itemVazio.Text = "Selecione uma opção";
        itemVazio.Value = "";

        SelectListItem itemLista;

        foreach (Enum item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)))
            itemLista = new SelectListItem();

            itemLista.Value = item.ToString();
            itemLista.Text = item.Descricao();


        return listaItens;

After that your DropDownListFor shall be assembled as follows::

@Html.DropDownListFor(dtos => dtos.First().Situacao, Html.DropDownListEnum<SituacaoEnum>())

In addition to allowing you to use with any other enum!

Found simpler?

  • I liked it. Very generic. + 1.

  • I found yes! I will edit my reply and show how I did it with just another extension. See if Like also @Ciganomorrisonmendez

  • I used Reflection to take the Attribute that is on top of the Enum and create the text :)


public static class DropDownListHelper
        public static List<SelectListItem> DropDownListEnum<T>(this HtmlHelper helper)
            List<SelectListItem> listaItens = new List<SelectListItem>();
            SelectListItem itemVazio = new SelectListItem();
            itemVazio.Text = "Selecione uma opção";
            itemVazio.Value = "";

            SelectListItem itemLista;
            //int value = 1;
            //string description = Enumerations.GetEnumDescription((MyEnum)value);
            foreach (Enum item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)))
                itemLista = new SelectListItem { Value = item.ToString(), Text = GetDescription(item) };

            return listaItens;

        public static string GetDescription(Enum en)
            Type type = en.GetType();

            MemberInfo[] memInfo = type.GetMember(en.ToString());

            if (memInfo != null && memInfo.Length > 0)
                object[] attrs = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
                return attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0 ? ((DescriptionAttribute) attrs[0]).Description : en.ToString();

            return en.ToString();


I found a better solution!

  • Using annotated attributes, right? Very well too. + 1.

  • @Ciganomorrisonmendez Let me change the correct answer? to this one? Although all that posted were absurdly good! (except for my first rs)

  • Make yourself at home.

  • 1

    OK, I will leave as it is for now... Thank you very much!! that class became of oak! would not have succeeded without the help of you!

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