Problems with autoload


Viewed 142 times


am starting an application applying mvc. I created Composer.json with the following autoload parameters:

        "Predis\\": "src/" 

have in public the index that calls the route the following stretch:

require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";

if ( isset($_SESSION['id_user']) )
    $route = new \App\Route;

I have in my route class the following:

namespace App;

class Route
    private $routes;

    public function __construct()


    public function initRoutes()
        $routes['home'] = array('route'=>'/','controller'=>'indexController','action'=>'index');
        $routes['login'] = array('route'=>'/login','controller'=>'indexController','action'=>'login');


    public function setRoutes(array $routes)
        $this->routes = $routes;


    public function run($url)
        array_walk($this->routes, function($route) use ($url)
                if ( $url == $route['route'])
                    $class = "App\\Controller\\".ucfirst($route['controller']);
                    $controller = new $class.'()';
                    $action = $route['action'];

    public function getUrl()
        return parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],PHP_URL_PATH);

and within App Controllers Indexcontroller.php

namespace App\Controller;

class IndexController

    public function index()
        echo "Route / Controller : Index";

    public function login()
        echo "Route / Controller : login";


get the bug

Fatal error: Class 'App\Controller\IndexController' not found in /var/www/new/App/Route.php on line 36
  • where the autoload implementation is?

  • is in the index that calls the controller.

  • add it to the question

1 answer


The backslash is missing before the "App\\Controller\\".

$class = "\\App\\Controller\\".ucfirst($route['controller']);

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