How to set up an app to launch in Google play and Apple Store


Viewed 568 times


I’m developing an app using Ionic/Cordova and I came up with some doubts, are they:

  1. Must do some kind of specific configuration in my file Package.Json to have no future problems when generating a update of the Google Play or Apple Store?
  2. When I go to release an update I should just change the version of App and go up to the stores(Aplle Store and Google Play)?

1 answer


There is no need to modify anything in package.json, the only file you should modify every time you generate a new version of the App is the config.xml, which is at the root of the project. Just modify the versionCode and version that the framework will do the rest for you.

<widget id="com.ionicframework.application466003" android-versionCode="100000" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">

To publish your App follow the tutorial of the Ionic framework page:

  • Thanks @Luks Sys! Then following this logic name, Description and Author of the config.xml file will be the information tags q appeared for people q to download the correct app?

  • I can’t tell you for sure but chances are it won’t.

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