Add Change Author in Quick Edit Type Post


Viewed 62 times


I created a type post to customize the wordpress admin of a client, everything works perfectly, however the option to change the author of the post in "quick edit" does not appear, I know by default it will not show to custom fields, I have the code to include in functions.php to show, but I did it and I can’t adjust this function, someone knows where I’m going wrong or can help me with another solution. It is not the Screen Option setting.Follow the Code I have below:


         function allowAuthorEditing()
        add_post_type_support( 'mytype', 'author' );

1 answer


I found the Solution Galera, I will pass the code to analyze how the correct function was.

                 // ADICIONAR EDITAR AUTOR

               add_action('init', 'wptips_custom_init');
                   function wptips_custom_init() {
                   add_post_type_support( 'places', array(  'author' ) );

If you need to include other functions it is only necessary to include in the array what you need to appear in the type post you created.

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