What is the difference between angular.extend and angular.merge?


Viewed 2,062 times


At the angle, to extend an object, I usually use `angular.exted

var obj = {nome: "wallace"}
angular.extend(obj, {idade: 26})


Object {nome: "wallace", idade: 26}

However, I realized that by using angular.merge, the result is the same:

angular.merge(obj, {idade: 26})


Object {nome: "wallace", idade: 26}

What’s the difference between the two?

  • http://davidcai.github.io/blog/posts/copy-vs-extend-vs-merge/

2 answers


The two functions do the same thing with a subtle difference. Both copy the properties of one or more source objects to a target object.

The difference

angular merge.

Make a "deep" (recursive copy) copy of properties, i.e., properties that are objects will be re-created in a way that does not point to the same base(s) references(s).

angular extend.

Make a simple (or shallow) copy of properties, i.e., properties that are objects will point to the same reference(s) base(s).


angular.module('app', []);

angular.module('app').controller('mainController', mainControllerFn);

function mainControllerFn(){
  /* ***** merge ***** */
  var mPessoa1 = { nome: 'Joaquim', email: '[email protected]' };
  var mPessoa2 = { sobrenome: 'Soares', usuario: {username: 'joaquim1', isAdmin: false } };
  angular.merge(mPessoa1, mPessoa2);
  console.log(mPessoa1.usuario === mPessoa2.usuario); 
  // mPessoa1.usuario e mPessoa2.usuario não apontam para a mesma referência
  /* ***** extend ***** */
  var ePessoa1 = { nome: 'Joaquim', email: '[email protected]' };
  var ePessoa2 = { sobrenome: 'Soares', usuario: {username: 'joaquim1', isAdmin: false } };
  angular.extend(ePessoa1, ePessoa2);
  console.log(ePessoa1.usuario === ePessoa2.usuario); 
  // ePessoa1.usuario e ePessoa2.usuario apontam para a mesma referência
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.6/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="app">
  <div ng-controller="mainController as mainCtrl">

  • Dude, so the choice of which one to use is very serious. The framework I use works on relationships as "subobjects" (objects within each other). So in some cases, it will be preferable to use merge, to have no problem with object references.



angular.extend(dst, src1, src2, ...) is to Shallow copy the properties of the source Objects from right to left, all the way to the Destination Object.

Translating: angular.extend(dst, src1, src2, ...) is the simple copy of the properties of the source objects from right to left, all the way to the target object.

var src1 = { name: 'David', age: 30 }; // source 1
var src2 = { age: 26, skill: {} }; // source 2
var dst = {}; // destination

console.log(angular.extend(dst, src1, src2));
// Output: { name: 'David', age: 26, skill: {} }

console.log(src2.skill === dst.skill);
// Output: true
// src2 and dst share the same skill object due to shallow copy.


angular.merge is an Angular 1.4+ API that is to deep (recursively) copy the properties of the source Objects to the Destination Object.

Translating: angular.merge is deep (recursive), copies the properties of the source objects to the target object.

Here we use same example replacing angular.extend for angular.merge:

var src1 = { name: 'David', age: 30 };
var src2 = { age: 26, skill: {} };
var dst = {};

console.log(angular.merge(dst, src1, src2));
// Output: { name: 'David', age: 26, skill: {} }
// It seems to the same result as the previous example's, however, ...

console.log(src2.skill === dst.skill);
// Output: false
// src2.skill and dst.skill point to different skill objects due to deep copy.

Reference: Copy vs. Extend vs. Merge

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