How to split a number stored in a string and check if it is divisible by 495?


Viewed 267 times


For example a number that doesn’t fit in one int and I store in a String.

How do I see if it is divisible by 495?

2 answers


Why don’t you use class BigInteger to deal with these numbers?

You can use the function BigInteger#mod:

public static boolean divisivel(BigInteger numero, String divisor) {
    return numero.mod(new BigInteger(divisor)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO);

The above function should receive a BigInteger and a string with the divisor number, see an example:

public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
    System.out.println(divisivel(new BigInteger("495"), "495")); // true
    System.out.println(divisivel(new BigInteger("496"), "495")); // false

Complete code:

import java.math.BigInteger;

class Ideone
    public static boolean divisivel(BigInteger numero, String divisor) {
        return numero.mod(new BigInteger(divisor)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO);
    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
        System.out.println(divisivel(new BigInteger("495"), "495")); // true
        System.out.println(divisivel(new BigInteger("496"), "495")); // false


  • I’m still a beginner.?

  • @Evandro I don’t think so, and use BigInteger is not difficult, what is the difficulty? Welcome, see the [tour] to understand how the site works!


To turn string into int or long you can do so...

Scanner s = new Scanner(;
String str = s.nextLine();
try {
   int inteiro = Integer.parseInt(str);
   long longo = Long.parseDouble(str);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   System.out.println("Numero com formato errado!");

Here your integer or long variable will have the value of your string, now just know if her division by 495 has zero rest.

if(i % 495 ==0){
System.out.println("É divisível");

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