Image layout dynamically after photo is captured


Viewed 1,429 times


How do I create a layout exactly like this (The layout is equal to both left and right):

I’ll explain how I intend to do this and if possible help me because I don’t know how to do it this way:

I am browsing in my app and press a button that goes to the picture screen. This picture screen is empty. Then I press the icon on action bar To take the picture, I take the picture and when I finish taking the picture, I go back to the screen of images that was previously empty and now it looks like this image above, only appearing only an image with a description below. This description would be empty and I would post it after the photo was taken. Now I press the photo button again and the same process occurs only instead of having an image, we would now have two images and so on.

How can I do that?

  • @bigown when a question is solved I don’t need to put Solved in the title?

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    No. This is not recommended here, pleocontrary. Putting "solved" is common in forums, but we are a question and answer site. What is ideal, but not mandatory, is to choose the right answer, as you did. Evidently will not choose an answer if none can be considered as the best posted. You can even choose your answer if you think it is the best one. Or you can choose someone else even if you have given your answer. Goes from the specific case.

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    Okay. I understand the difference. Thank you for the warning.

2 answers


To do this: You need to use one GridView with two columns, could use a StaggeredGridView (etsy Stagerredgridview) if the images have different heights, but this is not the case.

To make a square image, I suggest this subclass of Imageview:

public class SquareImageView extends ImageView {
    public SquareImageView(Context context) {

    public SquareImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public SquareImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
        setMeasuredDimension(getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredWidth()); //Snap to width

It forces the image height to be the same length as the width.

For the layout of the view, I recommend the following:

        android:numColumns="2" />

For item layout within Gridview:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        android:scaleType="centerCrop" />

        android:background="#99000000" />

In this case the image will be scaled keeping the Aspect Ratio. Of course some details are missing, but the thick one is this one.

Ah, I didn’t comment on adding images dynamically in Gridview and how to access camera features, but I believe the question was about the layout.

  • @Walkim thanks for the explanation. I was left with some questions. Why use this subclass of Imageview to force a square image? To force a square image I wouldn’t need to just set the same width and height of the image view? For example: 50dp width and 50 height? How is that subclass different from what I’m saying? My question is really about the layout, how to access the camera features I already have here. Inflate layout dynamically also know, but do not know how I will ensure that I can only have two images per line.

  • Yes, could, but when fixing, It is not know if it is "scalable" for all screen sizes (tablet included), It may be that the image is cropped or with white space. It is better to let the imageview solve this for you. Besides, you can’t guess the size of the image that will come from the camera right? User can choose any think resolution.

  • Got it. I’ll try this subclass then. If it works with an image I’ll come back here and tell you how it turned out and if I need more help.

  • I did something similar to what you want if you get the results! i used making an Image View to scale with the screen size and maintaining format and used the following property and it worked imageView2.setScaleType(Imageview.ScaleType.FIT_XY); imageView2.setImageURI(selectedImageUri);

  • @Guilherme, if you want to expand the imageview but with the Aspect ratio, take a look at the adjustViewBounds attribute, it is false by default, should help in this case too.

  • @Walkim Your example is almost the same as the image I posted in the question, except that the Textview of the image in your example is on top of it and the picture of the question is below. This is just an observation I’m making, but with your layout I was able to solve my problem. I will post a reply with screenshot of how my layout looked. I changed a few things.

  • @William will post the results.

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I managed to make the layout thanks to the help of @Walkim, followed his example by modifying according to my needs. First I wanted the layout as the question, but I had to make modifications and my layout was as I will show you.




This Layout above refers to the main layout of the Fragment where there is a GridView which will be dynamically filled with a Customadapter of mine. The TextView serves only to display text "Dataless" when there is no data available to be displayed. When there is I juice with the TextView.

Each item of GridView takes the form of a ImageView with a CheckBox to mark the image or not. Let’s see now the layout of each item of GridView.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



To fill Gridview I used a Customadapter implementing the Viewholder standard. I’m just informing you here in case anyone wants to know how I dynamically filled in because my question was actually about the layout and not the fill-in, because I already knew how to do it. Note that I didn’t leave the images glued together as I wanted to first because I thought it got bad like this, and I also gave a space of each of the main window. Now let’s see how the whole layout has turned out?

No image available...

Quando não tem nenhuma imagem disponível

With an available image...

Quando se tem uma imagem disponível

With two images available...

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

With four images available...

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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