I mean, I have a variable x.
$x = 2;
What would be the command so you could put the $x = -2
I mean, I have a variable x.
$x = 2;
What would be the command so you could put the $x = -2
You can create a method to always return the negative value of a number:
function retornaNegativo($valor){
return -abs($valor);
$x = retornaNegativo(2);
The function abs always returns the value without the sign, then independent of the number passed as parameter to the function returnNegative, the return will always be negative.
Any negative number with a positive turns negative
Multiply by -1
$x *= -1;
Just match as the negative sign on the front:
$x = 2;
$x = -$x;
If you want to turn an existing variable into a negative value, programmatically multiply by -1. This is basic mathematics.
$x = 10;
aqui faz as firulas e tal..
//em algum ponto vc quer mudar o $x para negativo, então use
$x *= -1;
When the value is variable, this is the correct form.
If the value is constant or already starts with negative, then just do the obvious
$x = -10;
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Exactly this. There seems to be no question here, so if there is no clarification it would be better to close as unclear to avoid ambiguities of interpretation, as is already occurring.
– Maniero
Read Bruno Pitelli’s answer. If you want to apply this programmatically, it’s the ideal medium. Multiply by -1.
– Daniel Omine
Thank you @Gonçalo
– Hugo Leonardo