I have the following link to access:
When accessed directly it returns an array like this:
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"title": "BRKsEDU",
"description": "Canal de gameplays e vlogs de games e entretenimento! Ou seja: tenho o melhor trabalho do mundo! =) Jogos favoritos: Life Is Strange, Shadow of the ...",
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"publishedAt": "2016-09-25T14:48:40.000Z",
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"title": "FORZA HORIZON 3 #5 - Correndo Contra um Trem!? (PC Gameplay)",
"description": "Vídeo gameplay do jogo Forza Horizon 3, game exclusivo Microsoft disponível para Xbox One e PC. Forza Horizon 3 está disponível dublado e legendado em ...",
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My question is: How to access this url with ajax and get the return elements. For example, I want to get the channelTitle. Thank you!!!
searches json google q vc acha http://api.jquery.com/jquery.parsejson/
– Jasar Orion