How to display data in descending order?


Viewed 770 times


I would like to know how I can display the data on descending order across the field score, in that code he’s displaying the smaller for Mayr, and I would like to exhibit the greater for the lesser:

Observem a print:


        $pasta = "C:\Users\Vinicius\Desktop\Vinicius\SS Oficial by Vinicius\scriptfiles\Scores"; 
        $classificar = "Score";  

        $jogadores= -1; 
        $dadosjogador = array(); 
        $handlepasta = opendir($pasta); 

        while(($nickname  = readdir($handlepasta)) !== false) { 
                if(($nickname !=".") && ($nickname  !="..") && ($nickname != "index.htm") && ($nickname !="info")) { 
                        $contaaberta    = parse_ini_file($pasta ."/". $nickname); 
                        $nickname      = substr($nickname, 0,strlen($nickname)-4); 
                        $dadosjogador[$jogadores] =  array($contaaberta[$classificar] ,$nickname ); 

        array_multisort ($dadosjogador, $dadosjogador); 

        foreach ($dadosjogador as $jogador_atual) { 
                echo "<b>Jogador</b>:  ".$jogador_atual[1]."    |    <b>Score</b>:  ".$jogador_atual[0]."  <br>"; 
  • 1

    put this as an answer! and not editing the question! ie, this is part of an answer!

2 answers



array_multisort ($dadosjogador, SORT_DESC); 


In this specific case usort with a function would also solve:

usort($array, function($a,$b){
    return $b[0] > $a[0];

being $b[0] and $a[0] is the position of the values, then having the option to place the column that should be ordered.

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