How to make the parent relation between two select elements?


Viewed 123 times


I am making two elements Select a "Area" and another "Problem" and I need to relate to each other, in the BD table of the problem FK spr_sar_codigo referring to sar_codigo of the table Area. I am unable to interact so that the select problem depends on what is selected in the area. Here are the two Controller methods to load the two selects:

public function ajaxcarregaarea() {

    $obj_area = new daoArea();
    $areas = $obj_area - > Consultar();
    $select = "<select id='area' name='area' data-obrigatorio='S' class='valido'>";
    $select. = "<option value='' selected='selected'>Selecione a área responsável</option>";
    foreach($areas as $area) {
        $select. = "<option value='".$area['sar_codigo'].
    $select. = "</select>";

    echo $select;

public function ajaxcarregaproblema() {

    $obj_problema = new daoProblema();
    $problemas = $obj_problema - > Consultar();
    $select = "<select>";
    $select. = "<option value='' selected='selected'>Selecione a área responsável</option>";
    foreach($problemas as $problema) {
        $select. = "<option value='".$problema['spr_sar_codigo'].
    $select. = "</select>";

    echo $select;

And here’s the corresponding Divs and what I did in Script in the file where the Divs are:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-4 col-xs-offset-1 cfd">
        <?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Área Responsável")?>:
    <div id="areas" class="col-xs-6 cfb so-awesome1">

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-4 col-xs-offset-1 cfd">
        <?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Qual o Problema")?>:
    <div id="problemas" class="col-xs-6 cfb so-awesome2">

$(document).ready(function() {
    $.post("<?=$url?>insuporte/abrirchamado/ajaxcarregaarea", {}, function(ajaxcarregaarea) {

I don’t know how to create this relationship, I know I need to use the jquery onchange event but I had no idea how to do, I’m still beginner and esytou with many difficulties.

2 answers


Instead of making ajax requests for each time you change the select, create all of them at once, and change the content available through a function.

  function changeChildren(value){
    var select = document.getElementById("childrens");
    select.value = '';  // REMOVE O VALOR ATUAL NO SELECT
    var options = select.getElementsByTagName('option');
    for(var i in options){
      var option = options[i];
      if(typeof option == 'object'){
        if(option.getAttribute('data-father') == value){
 = 'block';
 = 'none';
<select id="father" onchange="changeChildren(this.value)">
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="1">Father 1</option>
  <option value="2">Father 2</option>

<select id="childrens">
  <option value="1" data-father="1" style="display:none;">Children 1-1</option>
  <option value="1" data-father="1" style="display:none;">Children 2-1</option>
  <option value="1" data-father="1" style="display:none;">Children 3-1</option>
  <option value="1" data-father="2" style="display:none;">Children 1-2</option>
  <option value="1" data-father="2" style="display:none;">Children 2-2</option>


  • Client does not make requests to served each time it changes the value in select.
  • The content is already loaded so it will be faster just to display the correct ones than to render them.
  • Even if the served falls, it still works, because it is already loaded.


  • If it is many options you can slow down the first page loading.
  • Thank you very much, I understand but you still haven’t helped me but thanks for the time available.


As the problems depend directly on the area, when loading them you will have to specify which area you selected.

The first change would be to load the problems:

public function ajaxcarregaproblema($sar_codigo) {

    $obj_problema = new daoProblema();
    $problemas = $obj_problema - > Consultar($sar_codigo);
    $select = "<select id='slProblema'>";
    $select. = "<option value='' selected='selected'>Selecione a área responsável</option>";
    foreach($problemas as $problema) {
        $select. = "<option value='".$problema['spr_sar_codigo'].
    $select. = "</select>";

    echo $select;

Note 1: I am just illustrating, the change will have to be made within the "Query" function of the "daoProblema" class"

The second amendment would be precisely the "change" of the select of areas:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $.post("<?=$url?>insuporte/abrirchamado/ajaxcarregaarea", {}, function(ajaxcarregaarea) {

        $('#slProblema').change(function(i, e){

            $.post("<?=$url?>insuporte/abrirchamado/ajaxcarregaproblema", {'sar_codigo': $(this).val()}, function(ajaxcarregaproblema) {


I hope I have helped, if not totally, at least with some indication of the way. Good luck.

  • Thank you I will check and return whether it worked or not, it is more or less how we work here where I do internship.

  • jsanches you helped however I can not make the filter to appear in select problems only problems intended for responsible area, could help me even more hehe? sorry

  • The filter you are not able to do is in php or in the database query?

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