Using select to open iframe


Viewed 1,138 times


I have a code and I want it to clear a path in iframe when I click on a option of select. I managed to do this, but to change the option so that it opens something else on iframe i have to refresh the page. If I click on one and then want to change to another it does not happen.

I’ll paste the code so you can take a look:

    <select name="Exames" onChange="abrir.location = options[selectedIndex].value">
        <option label="Selecione sua opção" value="0"></option>
        <option value="">opção1</option>
        <option value="">opção2</option>

<iframe id="abrir" name="abrir" scrolling="auto" src=""></iframe>
  • You are checking whether the iframe src actually gets value when trying the second time?

2 answers


If you want to use jquery assign an id to your select

  var url = $(this).val();

If you want pure javascript change to this

onChange="document.getElementById('abrir').src = this.Exames[this.selectedIndex].value


You can do with Jquery:

   var src = $(this).find('option:selected').val();

Heed: Some websites send "X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN" as response header, this prevents the browser from displaying iframes that are not hosted on the same domain as the parent page, in this case Youtube and Google, which you have placed on select, will not open:


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