How to create a link to run a ". bat" file that is inside the PHP directory?


Viewed 3,969 times


Everybody, good afternoon, everybody!

Next, I have a page in PHP that is open monitoring a link, I would like to know how I put a link that opens a file. bat that is in the same page directory...


"Shop 1 Down - Click here" <-- Clicking on this link would open a BAT that runs on the server.

I don’t want to do this with PHP itself, just call the BAT by Windows itself.


2 answers


If you prefer to call via Javascript:

<input type="button" value="Click aqui" onclick="'file:///C:pasta/teste.bat')" />

  • this method would run a file on the user’s machine, and in the question he wants it to run on the server.

  • is unfortunately so far failed! This you posted makes the file download, and actually I wanted to open it! And what’s even more complicated is Google Chrome :/ !!!


Try something like that:

system("cmd /c C:[caminho para o arquivo]");

The function System serves to run command on the application server.

  • is unfortunately so far failed! This you posted makes the file download, and actually I wanted to open it! And what’s even more complicated is Google Chrome :/ !!!

  • I think then Voce mixed things up, give a little look at the system function, it does not download, it performs something on the server

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