Application rejected by Apple Ipv6 error


Viewed 1,422 times


I developed a hybrid application using Ionic and when sending it to the Apple Store review it was rejected, I got the following error message:

We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad and iPhone running iOS 9.3.5 on Wi-Fi Connected to an Ipv6 network.

Specifically, after we launched your app, an error message appeared.

The Steps to reproduce are:

  1. Launch app
  2. Note error message

They say Ipv6 support is required, but they only say that, without giving any more useful information. I have no way to test the app on an Ipv6 network at the moment. I’ve seen how to connect one on the mac, but I do not have an adapter for network cable, use only Wifi.

I searched a lot and saw several responses claiming to be an error in the way the requests are made to the API’s/ servers or configuration error in the server/API itself.

I do not know how to solve this, the app runs normally under normal conditions (understand: on an iphone network Ipv4) no problem at all, everything perfect.

  • Face ipv6 is no longer used in any apparatus.

  • 6

    @sysWOW32 , Ipv6 is the new generation of internet protocol that will replace Ipv4. It’s not used in bulk yet, but it will be in the near future, so much so that Apple has made obligatory that apps work on Ipv6 networks, as reported by id=05042016a and following the documentation

  • IPV6 will never again be used on any device because it is a very extensive addressing. This future you are waiting for has long passed!

  • So much so that if Voce is in the connection properties will be ipv6 without internet access. The providers stopped working with this!

  • 4

    @sysWOW32 I think you’re confusing "something". I suggest a better search on the subject.

  • I did not understand the downvote and neither the reason for the closing vote, the question has nothing to do with opinion, this problem is common in Ionic with iOS, I find a question well valid.

  • 1

    How so ipv6 is not used more? Where is the source of this statement? what I’m reading in the biggest portals of technology is just the opposite.

  • Came out this article on the Ionic blog so I remember this question. I hope I’ve helped.

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2 answers


I managed to solve the problem!

The app had no problems, since I followed all the references from apple to Ipv6 support. The point was that my server, where the app made the requests, was not set to support Ipv6, so it made the blessed mistake! It took me a while to realize, but after all that searching on the Net it worked.

So if someone has the same problem, be sure to follow apple’s standards and especially, check if the server supports Ipv6. If it is external hosting, as was my case, just contact your hosting team to see how to enable Ipv6 support.

Thanks to everyone who gave tips there!

  • you were using a webview with login? which settings you changed to work, can give more details?


According to this answer you can resolve in Cordova using this plugin Cordova-HTTP, you’re wearing Afnetworking v3.1.0

And you can do something like:

// usa AFNetworking se for iOS device
if ($window.cordova && ionic.Platform.isIOS()) {
    // $window.CordovaHttpPlugin.get
    // $
    // ou
    // cordovaHTTP.get
} else {
    // $http.get
    // $

How to test if I am using IPV6

This seems to be the same problem

Accordingly with the Apple policy, your application will need support for IPV6

To test whether your application supports IPV6 or not use this Supporting Ipv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks

To make this check will be national follow the steps indicated on the Apple page.

To set up IPV6 on your Local Wi-Fi network you’ll need to use your Mac:

1) Connect your Mac to another network that don’t be Wi-Gi using network cable for example.

enter image description here

2) Go up to System Preferences in the Dock, Launchpad, or on the menu.

enter image description here

3) Press the button Option and click on Sharing. Don’t release the button Option

enter image description here

4) Select Internet Sharing from the list of services sharing services.

5) Release the button Option

6) Select the checkbox Create NAT64 Network.

7) Choose the internet interface that will provide the Internet connection, something like Thunderbolt Ethernet or only Ethernet.

8) Select the Wi-Fi checkbox.

enter image description here

9) Click on Wi-Fi Options and configure the options name and security of your network.

10) Select the checkbox Internet Sharing and hablite your local connection.

11) When a window appears to confirm if you want to share click on Start

enter image description here

12) Now your Mac will function as a hotspot and use Ipv6 NAT64

enter image description here

Now connect your iPhone to your Mac and test if your application works as expected.

One detail, don’t forget to add the following frameworks:

1) Webkit

2) Cfnetwork

enter image description here

  • 2

    Who gave the downvote could justify so that I can try to improve the answer? If the reason for downvote is the question please explain what’s wrong with it, because as far as I understand this is a normal problem with iOS devices.

  • thanks for the answer, but as I said in the question, "I have no way to test the app on an Ipv6 network at the moment. I’ve seen how to connect one on the mac, but I don’t have an adapter for network cable, I only use Wifi." ; however, had not found this on Cordova-http, it was useful. I’ll run the tests here and come back to tell you if it worked!

  • @Victoraugustolopes blz, I just put the test to prevent you from having to submit without being sure if the software is OK, it’s an additional. I hope the plugin for Cordova works :)

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