Video call / video conference in PHP


Viewed 4,904 times


I am searching on the subject to use in my TCC, as I perform videos called using PHP or similar language?

I’ve searched through a number of terms and I haven’t been able to find any relevant information. The goal is to make simple video calls between a client and another, is there any solution ready for this for PHP or Javascript? Sorry for the lack of content, because I didn’t find much related in the searches I did.

  • I strongly advise rethinking your CBT.

2 answers


With the reply of @Lauromoraes I had a broader field of research and I ended up discovering the Peerjs, which is their own Javascript library. On their website they have a simple video example called 1-1. (although it is not functional on their website because they do not have SSL).

Follow the example given by them, translated and commented by me:

  <title>PeerJS - Exemplo de Video Chamada</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8" / >
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../../dist/peer.js"></script>

    // Variavel para pegar permissão de camera e microfone, definição de acordo com navegador.
    navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;

    // Definições do PeerJS, como dominio, key e outros
    var peer = new Peer({ host: '', port:9000, debug: 3});

    // Pega ID da conexão atual
    peer.on('open', function(id)

    // Recebendo uma chamada
    peer.on('call', function(call)
      // Responde a chamada criando uma chamada entre os dois usuários

    // Se houver algum erro
    peer.on('error', function(err)
      // Exibe o erro em um alert
      // Agurada nova conexão ou ação

    // Eventos de clique
      // Iniciar uma nova chamada
        // Requisita uma chamada para o ID indicado
        var call =$('#callto-id').val(), window.localStream);
        // Cria chamada entre os dois

      // Finalizar uma chamada
        // Fecha conexão (chamada) existente
        // Espera por uma nova ação

      // Tentar ativar site novamente
        // oculta o erro
        // pega novamente permissão para dispositivos de saida e entrada

      // No inicio do site, requisita acesso a dispositivos

    // Preparação, pegando permissão de camera e microfone
    function getPermissionAndStream () 
      // Tenta pegar dispositivo de audio e video
      navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: true}, function(stream)
        // Associa elemento HTML com o dispositivo de video capturado
        $('#my-video').prop('src', URL.createObjectURL(stream));

        // Pega dispositovos encontrados
        window.localStream = stream;
        // Aguarda ação
      }, function()
        // se houver algum erro mostra o erro

    // Aguardar ação
    function waitingAction () 
      // Esconde tela de criar uma chamada
      $('#getPermissionAndStream, #createCall').hide();
      // Mostra tela de esperar ação

    // Cria uma chamada
    function createCall (call) 
      // Fecha chamada existente se existir
      if (window.existingCall) 

      // Aguarda sinal de dispositivo fisico para criar chamada
      call.on('stream', function(stream)
        // Adiciona dispositivo fisico do destinatario a tela do usuário
        $('#their-video').prop('src', URL.createObjectURL(stream));

      // Define como chamada atual
      window.existingCall = call;
      // Adiciona um peer na página
      // define achão close como esperar uma ação
      call.on('close', waitingAction);
      // Exibe tela para criar chamada
      $('#getPermissionAndStream, #waitingAction').hide();




  <div class="pure-g">

      <!-- Area de visão -->
      <div class="pure-u-2-3" id="video-container">
        <!-- Video do outro usuário -->
        <video id="their-video" autoplay></video>
        <!-- Video do proprio usuário -->
        <video id="my-video" muted="true" autoplay></video>

      <!-- Visões -->
      <div class="pure-u-1-3">
        <h2>PeerJS Video Chamada</h2>

        <!-- Esperando por permissão de dispositivos externos-->
        <div id="getPermissionAndStream">
          <p>Por favor, permita que acessemos seu dispositivo de camera e microfone, apra isso clique em "Permitir".</p>
          <!-- Erro ao pedir permissão -->
          <div id="getPermissionAndStream-error">
            <p>Opsss.. ocorreu um erro ao acessar sua camera ou microfone. Verifique se o servidor está ativo, com SSL e se você deu a permissão para acessar-mos esses dispositivos.</p>
            <a href="#" class="pure-button pure-button-error" id="getPermissionAndStream-retry">Tentar novamente</a>

       <!-- Tela para fazer ligação -->
        <div id="waitingAction">
          <p>Seu ID: <span id="my-id">...</span></p>
          <p>Compartilhe esse ID para que outros membros possam falar com você.</p>
          <h3>Fazer ligação</h3>
          <div class="pure-form">
            <input type="text" placeholder="Call user id..." id="callto-id">
            <a href="#" class="pure-button pure-button-success" id="make-call">Ligar</a>

        <!-- Chamada ativo, tela para finalizar -->
        <div id="createCall">
          <p>Em chamada com <span id="their-id">...</span></p>
          <p><a href="#" class="pure-button pure-button-error" id="end-call">Finalizar</a></p>


In case I used a local server, it is necessary to install Peerjs Server. But there is an option where you create an account on their website, and creating a Key API uses their own server (on the free plan up to 50 simultaneous connections are allowed). The code would only change:

var peer = new Peer({ host: '', port:9000, debug: 3});


var peer = new Peer({ key: 'minhaChaveDeAPI', debug: 3});

Of course there are several other options to improve the video call, even block by IP and others. But this already gives an initial tip to many. I will mark Lauro’s answer as certain, because it was she who gave me the path I needed to find the answer.


I believe the scope of your question is to make "live stream" with technology like PHP.

I have exactly the same question here at stackoverflow although the closest I came was using javascript.

I managed to implement my own solution for video calls although I have not addressed the issue of video conferencing the idea is the same.

Webrtc | wikipedia proposes to carry out this work, although it is an API in development it is very stable and is supported in major browsers including Mobile versions support.

Some considerations to Webrtc (RTMP Protocol):

To use with broadcast 2MB of band is required to distribute an audio channel(1MB) plus a video channel(1MB) and to each new "listener" that amount doubles.

To mitigate this Webrtc uses pair connections Peerconnection where the first pair to connect to the distribution source comes to distribute if a new pair connects to the channel and so successively the second to the third, the third to the fourth, etc...

If the subject is relevant to a TCC it would be nice to take a look at NW.js because nwjs uses Chromiun’s V8 engine and is written (based on) javascript and HTML and it is extremely easy to implement a client to use Webrtc by just creating (or using some) signal server (Signaling) and connecting your application running on nwjs.

NW.js can be distributed independently of the OS runs on Windows, Linux, Mac or you can compile the binary for these although it is required for use that the client machine has Node.js installed.

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