Return function Boolean via ajax


Viewed 447 times


I have the following ajax call on my page:

    url: 'EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento',
    data: { contratocod: contratocod, numeroserie: numerodeserie },
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'JSON',
    success: function(retorno) {
        alert('success:' + retorno);
    error: function() {

And the following method in my controller that calls another model method that returns a bool:

public JsonResult EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento(string contratocod, string numeroserie)
    ControleFuncionamentoModel cfm = new ControleFuncionamentoModel();
    return Json(cfm.EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento(contratocod, numeroserie));

I put a breakpoint in the controller’s method, but it’s not stopping. I want to return the Boolean of the Equipment method?

  • Open the browser console (F12) and see if there is an error in the Ajax call. Also open the link in the browser, and see if the controller is working as expected.

  • No error on Ajax call

2 answers


Solved. The controller method was the same:

public JsonResult EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento(string contratocod, string numeroserie)
    ControleFuncionamentoModel cfm = new ControleFuncionamentoModel();
    return Json(cfm.EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento(contratocod, numeroserie));

The ajax call, I changed the url call, calling now via @Url.Action:

     url: '@Url.Action("EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento")',
     data: { contratocod: contratocod, numeroserie: numerodeserie },
     type: 'POST',
     dataType: 'JSON',
     success: function(retorno) {
            alert('success:' + retorno);
     error: function(retorno) {
            alert('error: '+ retorno);


The problem is in your URL, this URL would not be valid in any scenario I can imagine, you should put the URL access to this ACTION in the controller.

Here is an example of ajax with MVC


public class Home: Controller
    public JsonResult EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento(string contratocod, string numeroserie)
        ControleFuncionamentoModel cfm = new ControleFuncionamentoModel();
        return Json(cfm.EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento(contratocod, numeroserie));

But Ajax will be serious like this:

    url: '@Url.Action("EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento")',
    data: { contratocod: contratocod, numeroserie: numerodeserie },
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'JSON',
    success: function(retorno) {
        alert('success:' + retorno);
    error: function() {

or so (if the flame is inside a Razor file):

    url: '@Url.Action("EquipamentoTemControleFuncionamento", "Home")',
    data: { contratocod: contratocod, numeroserie: numerodeserie },
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'JSON',
    success: function(retorno) {
        alert('success:' + retorno);
    error: function() {

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