PDF Password and Custom Footer


Viewed 117 times


I have a PDF file, which is a course, our company intends to make it available to users of certain online course.

To do that, I have to add password for opening the file on the person’s machine, and a custom footer, something like that:

"This copy is licensed to Thiago A. Klein, member ID: 56789. Copying, reproduction or sale is prohibited."

Does anyone have any idea of a Gem or Service that does this?

  • is using Jasperreports?

  • Have you kicked off yet? If so, could you share your progress? the way the question is very broad, try to explain a little of what you have done or thought to help those interested in the subject to have a better idea of what you need to get the answer right

  • The question is really vague. Do you want the user to enter the password in the system or in the PDF file itself? To associate password to a template Rails has the helper has_secure_passport.

  • At the company I’m working with, we’re using this project to convert HTML to PDF: https://github.com/mileszs/wicked_pdf

  • I still have nothing done, because the doubt is great. The password needs to be typed when opening the pdf on the user’s machine. What needs to be done is: When the user asks to download the file, I have to put the password in the file and still add a text in the footer of all pages as indicated in the question. The . pdf file is a ready-made file (an ebook, for example), not generated by the system. I need to open the file, approximate size 35mb (!!), make the changes and output the download/link.

1 answer


With a quick google search, I found Gem Prawn seems to solve your problem. Some of the characteristics of this:

  • Security features such as encryption and password protection;
  • Repeated content rendering tools (i.e. headers, footers and page numbers;
  • Support for internationalization;

Installation, use and license instructions are on the link passed along with the answer.

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