Doubt about having control TFS version


Viewed 184 times


I am learning versioning, my doubt is with respect to the terms shown in the figure below Epic and Issue, looking for their translation for me did not make sense how to use these options to create a Work Item


2 answers


According to microsoft document, Epic is a general item that is above Features. It’s a general definition of a problem, it’s something that transcends a release or project interaction. It is a concept used by the Agile methodology.

Issue is a deterrent for the progress of the project. It is not an error, but it is something that needs to be solved in order for the project to be correct. The resolution goes through an investigation. The outcome of this investigation may generate a bug or other necessary action, or may be dispensed with as something not relevant and may be recorded only as historical.

This is usually used in the CMMI methodology.


Work Items are not for source code management but for requirements management.

Team Foundation Server (TFS) is a very complete ALM tool, it is not only a source code versioner, but also includes requirements management, build, deploy module, etc... All of them are under a platform, which is what the TFS ends up being, instead of several tools attending the various disciplines of ALM, a single and with integrated security administration and management, thus facilitating in the administration.

By being delivered, Work Items can be related to checkin a code, if you’re using TFVC, or commit, if you use Git. And with that you have code history related to the requirements.

A Work Item is the abstraction of requirements, so it can be of type Issue or Epic, each with its function within software development.

  • Thank you for the explanation, really this Work item that I showed in the figure was being related to a caso de uso. In the Work itemi will detail the use case that will later be implemented. @egomesbrandao

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