I am a relatively new programmer in php and I am developing a website. It is a site where there is a list of companies. And I wanted to implement in it, search filters, the first of them being a select "Select your city":
<form method="post" action="lista.php" id="Cidade" name="Cidade">
<label for="cCidade">Selecione sua Cidade</label>
<select id="cCidade" name="tCidade">
<option>Selecione a Cidade</option>
<option value="Farroupilha">Farroupilha</option>
<option value="Caxias do Sul"default>Caxias do Sul</option>
I want that when the user uses select, the results are sent to an iframe on the screen (the "list.php"), which is the listing of companies as I mentioned earlier. But I want this submission, not update the page and not need a button to be sent, IE, whenever the user uses another option of select, the search totally changes.
as you imagine that the script can identify that the user has already completed the form and the same can already be sent?
– Fabiano Cacin Pinel