Get exception name in Python where it is not specific


Viewed 96 times


I’m using the exception Exception, but wanted to be more specific and take the correct exception, without the treatment the code returns me the following message:

F: Bel Desktop tpredes> Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (Most recent call last): File "C: Python27 lib lib-Tk", line 1537, in call Return self.func(*args) File "F: Bel Desktop tpredes", line 80, in upload self.test(True) File "F: Bel Desktop tpredes", line 77, in test communication.send() File "F: Bel Desktop tpredes", line 93, in send s. connect((self.ip,self.port)) File "C: Python27 lib", line 228, in meth Return getattr(self._Sock,name)(*args) error: [Errno 10061] No connection p to be made because the target machine refused them actively

I have tried several, but they do not work, I also researched on and did not find something specific, will be that the library that did not create exceptions different from the most general, Exception?

Thank you for your attention.

1 answer


It seems to me that it has to do with the connection. Try:

   s.connect(('IP', 'PORT'))
except socket.error as exc:
   print 'Cautela: %s' % exc
  • Thank you very much, it worked right, could you explain? socket.error is probably pq searched in lib, but and the exc is a specific area? Thank you for your attention.

  • @Vinicius as is to give the name you want just that. Could be ... as YOO_MA_MEN: if I wanted to, and then: print 'Cautela: %s' % YOO_MA_MEN

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