Angularjs - select values according to other select


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I’m new to Angularjs and as I’m starting I still have many doubts... I would like to know how to make a secondary have values according to a primary, as in these car sites, you select the brand and the models appear according to the chosen brand.

1 answer


You need to set an ngChange for when the value of the first select is changed.

<select ng-model="marca" ng-options=" as marca.nome 
    for marca in marcas" ng-change="CarregarModelo(marca)">
    <option value="">Selecione a Marca</option>

<select ng-model="modelo" ng-options=" as modelo.nome 
    for modelo in modelos">
    <option value="">Selecione o Modelo</option>

And in the controller you create the ng-change function to list in the second select.

function ctrl($scope) {
    $scope.CarregarModelo = function(marca){
           $scope.modelo =;
  • 1

    Hello Flavio. I can put the two functions (Load and Load Model) in the same Controller?

  • Yes, you can, no problem.

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