Phonegap Plugin


Viewed 89 times


Hello, I’m a beginner with phonegap/Cordova, and I’ve been having trouble understanding some things, such as installing plugins, no matter the way I do, when I build the project on the phonegap site itself, it does not detect the plugins that have been inserted.

For example, this simple email plugin:

I install via console: cordova plugin add

And insert in my xml the reference: <gap:plugin name="" version="0.8.2" />

And then I build it on the site, and in plugins does not appear this plugin inserted.

If someone who has experience with hybrid app can clarify me, I appreciate it from now on.

1 answer


If you’re gonna use the PhoneGap Build no need to install the plugin via console, only on config.xml For you to install a plugin via git just do it like this:

<plugin spec="" source="git" />

then zip your files and send to the PhoneGap Build. And don’t forget to add the .js of your la plugin in your index.html so it can work ;)

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