Grab a JAVA array


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I am new in java, because of this I have the following situation, I would like to take the array in my case 2 of switch, the problem is that it says the value was not initialized, but I first enter the values and size based on what the user entered.

How can I do this?

My code:

        case 1:
            System.out.println("Digite quantos livros deseja inserir:");
            tam = ler.nextInt();
            String vetAutor[] = new String[tam], vetEdit[] = new String[tam],
            vetTit[]= new String[tam], vetAss[] = new String[tam];
            double vetPreco[] = new double[tam];
            for(i=0; i < tam; i++)
               System.out.println("Digite o titulo: ");
               vetTit[i] =;
               System.out.println("Digite o autor: ");
               vetAutor[i] =;
               System.out.println("Digite a editora: ");
               vetEdit[i] =;
               System.out.println("Digite o assunto: ");
               vetAss[i] =;
               System.out.println("Digite o preço: ");
               vetPreco[i] = ler.nextDouble();
            tiutloSort(tam, vetTit);
            System.out.println("Livros inseridos com sucesso");
            System.out.println("O que deseja faze agora:");
            System.out.println(" 1: Inserir Livros\n 2: Ordenar por título\n 3: "
            + "Ordenar por editor\n 4: Ordenar por preço \n 5: Sair");
        case 2:
            for(i=0; i < tam; i++)

3 answers


Java does not know what order you are in switch will be executed, since it depends on how the execution will take place. And if you fall into the case 2 before falling into the case 1? Will not exist vetTit. The compiler needs to make sure that the variable exists.

Declare and initialize your variable in a more external scope, for example as class field (outside of all methods) and the problem will disappear.

  • I appreciate the explanation, it was of great value!


Friend makes a book object with attributes ( author, publisher ... ) after vc makes a book object list. Much easier not?

public class livro{
private String autor;
private String editora;

public setAutor(String autor){
this.autor = autor;
public getAutor(){
return this.autor;

 //para cada atributo autor, editora, ano dois metodos (get e set) 
 //get retorna o valor do atributo do objeto enquanto o set define um valor


After making the object make a list in its main class.

public class usaLivro{

public static void main (String args[]){
List<livro> livros = new ArrayList();

for(int i =0; i<10; i++){
livro l = new livro();
//demais atributos

//para imprimir os livros use o codigo abaixo

for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
System.out.println("autor livro "+i+": é: "+livros.get(i).getAutor());
  • Ow guy thanks for the feedback, but how would I do it? I’m kind of new at OO

  • 1

    edited the answer I hope to have helped

  • thank you very much man, it was of great value, sanou until some doubts that I had of OO


Declare the variable vetTit[] as the class:

public class NomeClasse
  protected String vetTit[];


  protected void metodoQueContemSwitch
    switch(menu) {
        case 1: 
          vetTit[]= new String[tam]


  • I appreciate the exemplification, was of great value to the real understanding!

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