Error in environment configuration


Viewed 67 times


I’m using java JPA, with Wildfly and Primefaces and the database I’m using Mysql.

I have all layers already configured (view(xhtml),DAO,Entity,MB). The wildfly datasouce is configured correctly, maintaining communication with the 100%.

When I go to run the project it accuses "404 - Not Found" and apparently the console shows nothing abnormal. I believe it is a mistake in the environment configuration but I’m not able to identify.

I don’t know how to check which version of JSF, I’m new to programming here. Follow my web.xml:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

This is my last line of log when I try to run:

WFLYCTL0184: New Missing/unsatisfied dependencies: service (missing) dependents: [service]

  • Well, since you think it’s environment configuration, post the question with all settings, including the structure of your project, with the name of the views (.xhtml) for better analysis, but before hand, see if everything is ok, with the URI you are trying to access.

1 answer



  • Which version of JSF you are using?
  • You could share your configuration web xml. ?
  • See if in fact error is appearing in the application logs, because it may be occurring for example library conflict its application with those of Wildfly.

The error could still be related to setting the context of your application in the web.xml file and can still be associated with the directory structure you are using in the application.

Example of access and configuration


Project directory structure in your IDE

 |-- Java Resources
 |    `-- src
 |         `--
 |              `--
 |-- resources
 |-- JavaScript Resources
 |-- build
 `-- WebContent
      |-- META-INF
      |-- WEB-INF
      |    |-- faces-config.xml
      |    `-- web.xml
      |-- index.xhtml
      `-- pagina.xhtml

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