How to disable horizontal scrolling on iphone


Viewed 400 times


I did some tests on some devices and realized that the iphone has a horizontal scroll. I’ve already checked the width of the screen, apparently this ok. The same does not happen on Android phones. I’m using the meta tag below.

 `<meta content="minimum-scale=1.0, width=device-width, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" name="viewport" />`

and yet that horizontal scroll continues.

Does anyone know what it can be?

1 answer


goes in css, container tag or something (I don’t know what your css looks like)

and add


and also put with the prefixes :D (Webkit,Moz,o,ms,etc...)

*accents on my keyboard are not working

  • 1

    overflow-x:None; doesn’t exist, I think I meant overflow-x:Hidden rs, I already have an overflow-x:Hidden tag body.

  • that :D I forgot, it’s been a long time since I used overflow :D

  • Try to add it to the element that is passing the screen

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