How to fix these errors in PHP: Notice: Undefined - Deprecated


Viewed 420 times


All good? I know it will seem like a duplicate question. But unfortunately the answers to the other questions didn’t help me much. I’m fiddling with a ready-made script I picked up on the internet and I’m trying to fix the errors I put in to display them.

Errors that appear in checklogin.php:

Notice: Undefined index: cfgProgDir in /home/USER/public_html/admin/protecao/checklogin.php on line 57

Notice: Undefined index: entered_login in /home/USER/public_html/admin/protecao/checklogin.php on line 63

Notice: Undefined index: entered_password in /home/USER/public_html/admin/protecao/checklogin.php on line 64

Deprecated: mysql() [Function.mysql]: This Function is deprecated; use mysql_query() Instead in /home/USER/public_html/admin/protecao/checklogin.php on line 143

Notice: Undefined variable: dbOld in /home/USER/public_html/admin/protecao/checklogin.php on line 246

Notice: Undefined variable: messageOld in /home/USER/public_html/admin/protecao/checklogin.php on line 247

Source code for checklogin.php the lines that are wrong, I commented with // LINE

    // loading functions and libraries
    function random($max) {
        // create random number between 0 and $max
        srand( (double)microtime() * 1000000 );
        $r = round(rand(0, $max));
        if ($r != 0) $r = $r - 1;
        return $r;

    function rotateBg() {
        // rotate background login interface
        global $backgrounds, $bgImage, $i;
        $c = count($backgrounds);
        if ($c == 0) return;
        $r = random($c);
        if ($backgrounds[$r] == '' && $i < 10) {
        } elseif ($i >= 10) {
            if (!$bgImage || $bgImage == '') {
                $bgImage = 'bg_lock.gif';
            } else {
                $bgImage = $bgImage;
        }   }
        else { $bgImage = $backgrounds[$r]; }
        return $bgImage;

    function in_array_php3($needle, $haystack) {
        // check if the value of $needle exist in array $haystack
        // works for both php3 and php4
        if ($needle && $haystack) {
            if (phpversion() >= 4) {
                // phpversion = 4
                return(in_array($needle, $haystack));
            } else {
                // phpversion = 3
                for ($i = 0; $i <= count($haystack); $i++) {
                    if ($haystack[$i] == $needle) {
                }   }
        }   }
        else return(false);

    if ($noDetailedMessages == true) {
        $strUserNotExist = $strUserNotAllowed = $strPwNotFound = $strPwFalse = $strNoPassword = $strNoAccess;
    if ($bgRotate == true) {
        $i = 0;
        $bgImage = rotateBg();

    // Check if secure.php has been loaded correctly
    if ( !defined("LOADED_PROPERLY") || $HTTP_GET_VARS['cfgProgDir'] || $HTTP_POST_VARS['cfgProgDir']) { // LINHA 57
        echo "Parsing of phpSecurePages has been halted!";

    // make post variables global
    $entered_login = $HTTP_POST_VARS['entered_login']; // LINHA 63
    $entered_password = $HTTP_POST_VARS['entered_password']; // LINHA 64

    // check if login is necesary
    if (!$entered_login && !$entered_password) {
        // use data from session
        if (phpversion() >= 4) {
            // phpversion = 4
            // session hack to make sessions on old php4 versions work
            if (phpversion() > 4.0) {
                $login = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['login'];
                $password = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['password'];
        } else {
            // phpversion = 3
    }   }
    else {
        // use entered data
        if (phpversion() >= 4) {
            // phpversion = 4

            // encrypt entered login & password
            $login = $entered_login;
            if ($passwordEncryptedWithMD5 && function_exists(md5)) {
                $password = md5($entered_password);
            } else {
                $password = $entered_password;
            // session hack to make sessions on old php4 versions work
            if (phpversion() > 4.0) {
                $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['login'] = $login;
                $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['password'] = $password;
            } else {
        } else {
            // phpversion = 3

            // encrypt entered login & password
            $login = $entered_login;
            if ($passwordEncryptedWithMD5 && function_exists(md5)) {
                $password = md5($entered_password);
            } else {
                $password = $entered_password;
            session_register_php3("login", "STRING", $login);
            session_register_php3("password", "STRING", $password);
    }   }

    if (!$login) {
        // no login available
        include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
    if (!$password) {
        // no password available
        $message = $strNoPassword;
        include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");

    // use phpSecurePages with Database
    if ($useDatabase == true) {
        // contact database
        if ( empty($cfgServerPort) ) {
            mysql_connect($cfgServerHost, $cfgServerUser, $cfgServerPassword)
            or die($strNoConnection);
        } else {
            mysql_connect($cfgServerHost . ":" . $cfgServerPort, $cfgServerUser, $cfgServerPassword)
            or die($strNoConnection);
        $userQuery = mysql($cfgDbDatabase, "SELECT * FROM $cfgDbTableUsers WHERE status='S' AND $cfgDbLoginfield = '$login'") // LINHA 143
            or die($strNoDatabase);

        // check user and password
        if (mysql_num_rows($userQuery) != 0) {
            // user exist --> continue
            $userArray = mysql_fetch_array($userQuery);

            if ($login != $userArray[$cfgDbLoginfield]) {
                // Case sensative user not present in database
                $message = $strUserNotExist;
    //          include($cfgProgDir . "logout.php");
                include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
        }   }
        else {
            // user not present in database
            $message = $strUserNotExist;
    //      include($cfgProgDir . "logout.php");
            include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
        if (!$userArray[$cfgDbPasswordfield]) {
            // password not present in database for this user
            $message = $strPwNotFound;
            include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
        if (stripslashes($userArray["$cfgDbPasswordfield"]) != $password) {
            // password is wrong
            $message = $strPwFalse;
    //      include($cfgProgDir . "logout.php");
            include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
        if ( isset($userArray["$cfgDbUserLevelfield"]) && !empty($cfgDbUserLevelfield) ) {
            $userLevel = stripslashes($userArray["$cfgDbUserLevelfield"]);
        if ( ( $requiredUserLevel && !empty($requiredUserLevel[0]) ) || $minUserLevel ) {
            // check for required user level and minimum user level
            if ( !isset($userArray["$cfgDbUserLevelfield"]) ) {
                // check if column (as entered in the configuration file) exist in database
                $message = $strNoUserLevelColumn;
                include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
            if ( empty($cfgDbUserLevelfield) || ( !in_array_php3($userLevel, $requiredUserLevel) && ( !isset($minUserLevel) || empty($minUserLevel) || $userLevel < $minUserLevel ) ) ) {
                // this user does not have the required user level
                $message = $strUserNotAllowed;
                include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
        }   }
        if ( isset($userArray["$cfgDbUserIDfield"]) && !empty($cfgDbUserIDfield) ) {
            $ID = stripslashes($userArray["$cfgDbUserIDfield"]);
    }   }

    // use phpSecurePages with Data
    elseif ($useData == true && $useDatabase != true) {
        $numLogin = count($cfgLogin);
        $userFound = false;
        // check all the data input
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $numLogin; $i++) {
            if ($cfgLogin[$i] != '' && $cfgLogin[$i] == $login) {
                // user found --> check password
                if ($cfgPassword[$i] == '' || $cfgPassword[$i] != $password) {
                    // password is wrong
                    $message = $strPwFalse;
                    include($cfgProgDir . "logout.php");
                    include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
                $userFound = true;
                $userNr = $i;
        }   }
        if ($userFound == false) {
            // user is wrong
            $message = $strUserNotExist;
            include($cfgProgDir . "logout.php");
            include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
        $userLevel = $cfgUserLevel[$userNr];
        if ( ( $requiredUserLevel && !empty($requiredUserLevel[0]) ) || $minUserLevel ) {
            // check for required user level and minimum user level
            if ( !in_array_php3($userLevel, $requiredUserLevel) && ( !isset($minUserLevel) || empty($minUserLevel) || $userLevel < $minUserLevel ) ) {
                // this user does not have the required user level
                $message = $strUserNotAllowed;
                include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");
        }   }   
        $ID = $cfgUserID[$userNr];

    // neither of the two data inputs was chosen
    else {
        $message = $strNoDataMethod;
        include($cfgProgDir . "interface.php");

    // restore values
    if ($dbOld) $db = $dbOld; // LINHA 246
    if ($messageOld) $message = $messageOld; // LINHA 247

I’m sorry about the size of the code. But because of all the searches I did, I couldn’t get those lines right. If anyone can help me I’d be very grateful.

  • 2

    This code was written at a time of transition from php3 to php4, it even has an implementation of in_array() I don’t know if it’s worth just correcting it. There are several questions on how to solve Undefined index/variable and how to use code mysql_ for mysqli_ or PDO.

  • 1

    Personally I think this code is extremely obsolete (this: phpversion() >= 4 is the biggest proof! ). The first error is because there are no required parameters (ie the link has no ?cfgProgDir=XXx&entered_login=YYYY. Then one more thing begins: the $HTTP_GET_VARS has long been considered obsolete, being "replaced" by $_GET. Then the mysql() is already obsolete, the substitute is the mysql_query(), as you say in the error, but he is also gone, so migrate to the mysqli_query(). The last two errors is because the variable doesn’t even exist. You should use isset().

1 answer


This type of error occurs when you try to access a variable that may not be set.

There are several ways to validate this or you can use isset, or else put one before it to ignore it.

Example isset com if ternário

//if ternario. isset retora true ou false ? indica que você finalizou a condição logica o valor antes do : quer dizer se a expressão for true (verdade) e o valor depois quer dizer se o valor for false (falso).
$cfgProgDir = isset($cfgProgDir) ? $cfgProgDir : "valor_padrao";
echo $cfgProgDir;

Example with @

//O @ ignora o erro nessa linha, porém não sei se é recomendado o uso do mesmo.
echo @$cfgProgDir;

Note: check if there is no alternative, this code is obsolete. It will give you work with servers that contain more recent php.

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