Copy the font folder using Gulp?


Viewed 246 times


How to create a task to copy the bootstrap font folder to the build folder? I created the following task but it’s not working.

var config = {
    assets_path: './resources/assets',
    build_path: './public/build'

config.bower_path = config.assets_path + '/../bower_components';

config.build_path_js = config.build_path + '/js';
config.build_vendor_path_js = config.build_path_js + '/vendor';

config.build_path_html = config.build_path + '/views';
config.build_path_fonts = config.build_path + '/fonts';
config.build_path_images = config.build_path + '/images';

gulp.task('copy-fonts', function() {
    gulp.src(config.bower_path + '/bootstrap/dist/fonts/**/*')

It does not present me any error, but the task is not executed, because the fonts folder is not created in build.

  • Was it a mistake? Explain better this "not working".

  • @Marcelodern it does not error, nor executes the task actually, the fonts folder is not created in the build folder

1 answer


I found the problem, I was not calling this function on default. Follow the solution code

gulp.task('default',['clear-build-folder'], function(){
    elixir(function(mix) {
        mix.styles(config.vendor_path_css.concat([config.assets_path + '/css/**/*.css']), 'public/css/all.css', config.assets_path);
        mix.scripts(config.vendor_path_js.concat([config.assets_path + '/js/**/app.js']), 'public/js/all.js', config.assets_path);
        mix.version(['js/all.js', 'css/all.css']);


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