Why do native angular directives start with NG?


Viewed 2,166 times


I always wondered that, but I finally had the courage to ask: What is the meaning of NG in the libraries of the angular?

Apparently it has nothing to do with the word Angular prefixed NG.

Is there any plausible explanation for this?

  • 1

    Apparently it has a lot to do. Angular.

  • 2

    I imagined that someone would negatively :p. Peace and love!

1 answer


According to this answer What does the ng stand for in Angular.js Directives and the first question of FAQ angular: https://docs.angularjs.org/misc/faq

Why is this project called "Angularjs"? Why is the namespace called "ng"?

Because HTML has Angular Brackets and "ng" Sounds like "Angular".

Because "ng" sounds like "angular," I mean the sound that ng does is similar to talking angu.

In English the angular word would be pronounced as [ang-gyuh-ler] (remembering that a recalls in Portuguese the sound of E a little "erased" in a few words), so the resemblance is in ang-gy probably.

Note: "similar" or "sound like" are not the same things as being equal or identical

  • 2

    Very good! Now we have a material in Portuguese on the subject. Thanks for the contribution :)

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