How to put Scroll in table inside div with width 100%?


Viewed 1,977 times


The example shows a div with scroll horizontally, but would like the table along with the scroll div to adjust 100% to the screen size.

.div {
  border: solid;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 300px;
  overflow: auto;
.tablefull td{
    border: solid;
.table th{
    border: solid;
.table td {
  padding: 10px;
<table class="tablefull">
    <td colspan="2">header</td>

    <td class="">
      <div class="div">
    <td colspan="2">footer</td>

1 answer


First of all, a warning: I didn’t solve just by touching the point you asked, I re-structured the HTML as a solution to the problem as a whole.

Basically, I removed the table from outside, after all, it’s a layout and not a truth table. The inside kept, because semantically it is correct <table>, because they are tabular data.

Important points:

  • We define position:relative in Divs, so things like the menu can use 100% height over the div Dad, not the whole page;

  • to get the menu and the table of the same height, a div extra (body); that allowed us to set the menu height;

  • was used box-sizing:border-box so that the measurements include the edges, avoiding "bursting" of layout;

  • so that the container If the table keeps 100% wide, we create a left margin where the menu fits, but we do not define width (so the div automatically occupies the remaining space. With 100% the result would not be the desired, because CSS is full of oddities);

  • as the menu had fixed width, we used the position:Absolute, so the div of the table stand side by side with the menu (using the margin as a ruse not to "encavalate" the two things);

  • the final touch was the overflow:auto in div which contains the table, so that the scrollbar appears when necessary.

div { box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; }

.header,.footer,.body { width: 100%; }
.header,.footer,.menu,.table { border: 2px solid #000; }
.body { margin:4px 0; }
.menu { position:absolute; width:100px; height:100%; }
.table { margin-left:104px; overflow:auto; }
td,th {border:2px solid #000}
<div class="header">Header</div>
<div class="body">
  <div class="menu">Menu</div>
  <div class="table">
<div class="footer">Footer</div>

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