I made a slideshow of Divs HTML for a personal project of mine, I saw in W3school how to do and it works, however, there was the need to pause this slideshow with a button inside each div and then be able to resume the slideshow from where it left off.
I used this example by using Divs instead of Bootstrap.
I tried to implement a logic with global variables to control the slideshow, but without success.
Follows code:
var pausa = false;
function carousel() {
var i;
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("publica");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].style.display = "none";
if (slideIndex > x.length) {slideIndex = 1}
x[slideIndex-1].style.display = "block";
} else{
setTimeout(carousel, 7000);
<!-- divs que vão rodar em slideshow-->
<div class="publica">
<div class="titulo">
<p>Texto genérico</p>
<div class="texto">
<p>Texto genérico</p>
<div class="rodape">
<button onclick="javascript:pausa=true;">Pausar</button>
<div class="publica">
<div class="titulo">
<p>Texto genérico</p>
<div class="texto">
<p>Texto genérico</p>
<div class="rodape">
<button onclick="javascript:pausa=true;">Pausar</button>
<div class="publica">
<div class="titulo">
<p>Texto genérico</p>
<div class="texto">
<p>Texto genérico</p>
<div class="rodape">
<button onclick="javascript:pausa=true;">Pausar</button>
<!-- script para iniciar a função de slideshow -->
var slideIndex = 0;
I thank anyone who can help.