I am using Passthrough elements in my JSF project, and I need to do something similar to this:
<h:commandLink action="#{meuBean.acao()}" value="clique aqui">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{meuBean.objeto}" value="#{objetoLocal}"/>
but using Passthrough elements to have greater control of my frontend, as in the attempt below:
<a href="#" jsf:action="#{meuBean.acao()}">clique aqui
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{meuBean.objeto}" value="#{objetoLocal}"/>
but apparently this is not working, I get the following error message:
<f:setPropertyActionListener> Parent is not of type ActionSource, type is: com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement
Does anyone know how I could solve this?