I’m trying to pass a dependency on my module to use a Unique filter, I need to filter names in mine Views
. What happens is this: when I do it this way, in my controller, without creating routes in my system, sure.
.controller("papaRoca",function($scope,Data, $location).
You can see that I put the dependency ['ui.filters']
. No routes on my system works, but when I put the routes for browsing the pages, if I put this dependency on my controller ['ui.filters']
, of error.
Why does this happen? When you create routes in the system dependencies are created elsewhere?
You must inject this dependency into your global module. You have one, right?
– DiegoAugusto
My global module is how I was going to pass this ui.Filters ? I’ve tried it in several ways and nothing . angular.module('myapp',['Ionic']). config(['$controllerProvider', Function($controllerProvider) { $controllerProvider.allowGlobals(); }]). config(Function ($ionicConfigProvider) { $ionicConfigProvider.backButton.previousTitleText(false). text(""). icon("ion-Arrow-left-c"); });
– Dan100