Generate indented XML via PHP


Viewed 553 times


Hello, good morning.

I am generating xml with php, but the code is getting everything in a single line, I need it to be ideated when generated, respecting the hierarchy. I have no idea how you do it

Follows the code used

if(isset($_POST['create_xml'])){ echo "Programação das salas realizada";
/* All Links data from the form is now being stored in variables in string format */
$miro = $_POST['miro'];
$monet = $_POST['monet'];
$picasso = $_POST['picasso'];
$xmlBeg = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>";
$rootELementStart = "<reunioes>";
$rootElementEnd = "</reunioes>";
$xml_document= $xmlBeg;
$xml_document .= $rootELementStart;
$xml_document .= "<monet>";
$xml_document .= $monet; $xml_document .= "</monet>";
$xml_document .= "<picasso>";
$xml_document .= $picasso; $xml_document .= "</picasso>";
$xml_document .= "<miro>";
$xml_document .= $miro; $xml_document .= "</miro>"; 
$xml_document .= $rootElementEnd; 
$path_dir .= "reunioes" .".xml"; 

/* Data in Variables ready to be written to an XML file */ 
$fp = fopen($path_dir,'w'); 
$write = fwrite($fp,$xml_document); 
/* Loading the created XML file to check contents */ 
$sites = simplexml_load_file("$path_dir"); 
echo "<br> Checking the loaded file <br>" .$path_dir. "<br>"; 

1 answer


XML Generated manually

I did not understand the difficulty, since it is you who is generating the XML "manually". Basically, applying this logic across all lines would suffice:

$xml_document .= "\t\t\t<monet>\n";
  • Each \t is a tab, Enter the right amount for each indentation level;

  • The \n is the line break.

See working on IDEONE.

General solution with DOM

Now, if you need to format an XML already ready, you can use the GIFT.

$xml = '<root><foo><bar>baz</bar></foo></root>';

$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
$dom->formatOutput = TRUE;
$formatado = $dom->saveXml();

echo $formatado;


<?xml version="1.0"?>

See working on IDEONE.

  • I am beginner, so the difficulty, the tutorials of the net did not tell me about t n, thank you very much for the help.

  • 1

    @Leonardo gives a read on [tour] and see that you can accept an answer that solved your problem. Soon you can vote on everything on the site.

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