Well, I need help to capture the information of a running process. I can accomplish this task by accessing the mainmodule
32-bit processes, however, I cannot do the same with 64-bit processes. I don’t know if the reason is I’m trying to access such information through a 32-bit application.
I can access the mainmodule
64-bit processes, however, the return is null.
foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
//Capturando a descrição de um processo em execução
string nomeProd = clsProcess.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileDescription.ToString();
As stated, it works perfectly on a 32-bit computer, as it does not contain 64-bit programs. However, I am developing the application for both types(32 and 64), and I need help to capture the information of a 64-bit process.
Yeah, I just... Now I have a 32 and a 64 but, after I switched to 64 Bites, a description error occurred "A single Valid machine type compatible with the input type library must be specified". File - Tlbimp. Do you know what it can be? The application runs normally, because I have already packed the dlls and everything. But, this error remains.
– Wesley.rain
@Wesley.Rain don’t know, see if this helps: http://stackoverflow.com/q/2450509/221800
– Maniero