Error making javascript request


Viewed 204 times


I’m trying to make a request in this format

 $.get("", function (data) {
    }).fail(function (data) {

But I get this mistake

Failed to load Resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

  • $.get utilize dataType and follow .. if you can try $.ajax also

1 answer


Your request is successfully exiting the browser. However, some server-side error is occurring. Normally, the 500 error is a simple NullPointerException.

If you cannot identify the error on the server, you can edit your question by adding the server-side code and the error log. So we can help you more effectively.

Any doubt I’m available.

  • Where I can view the log in the visual studio, I tried to enable Messageloggin and Tracing on the Web.Config but nothing appears in Output Debug

  • Natanel, what language are you using? Could you edit the question and put more about your code?

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