Inserting Items in a Vb6 Collection


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Good morning, you guys. The situation is as follows. I created a Type and it has its attributes. I would like to know how I do to insert data in a Collection (in Vb6). FOR EXAMPLE: I created Type Person q has name and surname attribute, now I need to create a collection of this type.

1 answer


A collection in VB6 / VBA is of the Colletion type and accepts any reference object, one way to do this is in the Module or in its Class to have a property that consumes its collection for this specific type.


Private Pessoas_ As New Colletion

Private Sub PopulaPessoas()
      Dim Pessoa1 As MeuTipoPessoa
      Dim Pessoa2 As MeuTipoPessoa
      Dim Pessoa3 As MeuTipoPessoa

End Sub

Public Property Get Professores() As Colletion
    Dim oPessoa As MeuTipoPessoa
    Dim oColecaoRetorno As New Colletion

    For Each oPessoa In Pessoas_
        If (oPessoa.EhProfessor) Then
        End If    
    Set Professores = oColecaoRetorno
End Property

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