Problems with calculating "TREE OF LIFE"


Viewed 756 times


Good afternoon, I have a problem I need to do the following:

Create a program, in C language, that calculates the size of the tree of life, after a certain number of growth cycles, taking into account that the tree begins with a meter in size.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 1 cycle, is 2 meters.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 2 cycles, is 3 meters.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 3 cycles, is 6 meters.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 4 cycles, is 7 meters.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 5 cycles, is 14 meters.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 6 cycles, is 15 meters.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 7 cycles, is 30 meters.

so far I’ve done the following

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

void funcao_01() // sub programa
    int ciclos;
    printf(" \n\n             --   ARVORE DA VIDA   --  \n\n");// cabecalho
    printf("  Digite o valor de ciclos desejados: ");
    scanf("%d",&ciclos); // le valor digitado pelo usuario

    float resultado;
    if (ciclos % 2 == 1)
        resultado = (ciclos * ciclos);
        if(ciclos % 2 == 0)
            resultado = ciclos * 2;

    printf("\n\n  Voce escolheu %d, ciclos\n\n  Sendo assim voce tem %f metros.\n\n\n\n",ciclos, resultado);

int main() // programa principal
    funcao_01(); // chama funcao
    return 0;

because the relationship I had created was as follows:

"When the cycle is odd it doubles.. when it is even it adds +1"

in the beginning it worked out but then when it starts with larger numbers it doesn’t have more logic that, then I would like to "standardize" say so, but my question is, which is the easiest method to reach the resolution of this problem?

2 answers


Come on:

Create a program, in C language, that calculates the size of the life, after a certain number of growth cycles

As the statement said we will create a program that calculates the size of the tree of life, so we already have a name for our program:

void calculaArvoreDaVida() {

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 1 cycle, is 2 meters.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 2 cycles, is 3 meters.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 3 cycles, is 6 meters.

A tree, 1 meter in size, after 4 cycles, is 7 meters.

"When the cycle is odd it doubles.. when it is even it adds +1"

The logic is correct only the algorithm that does not:

// usamos um loop for para percorrer a quantidade de ciclos
for(int i = 1; i <= ciclos; i++) {
    // verificamos se i é impar ou par 
    if (i % 2 == 1) {
        // se for impar multiplicamos o resultado por 2
        resultado = resultado * 2;
    } else {
        // se for par somamos + 1
        resultado = resultado + 1;


taking into account that the tree begins at one meter in size.

Do not forget to initialize the variable resultado:

int resultado = 1;

Ps.: Check the code as I have not tested on C.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

void calculaArvoreDaVida() // sub programa
    int ciclos;
    printf(" \n\n             --   ARVORE DA VIDA   --  \n\n");// cabecalho
    printf("  Digite o valor de ciclos desejados: ");
    scanf("%d",&ciclos); // le valor digitado pelo usuario

    int resultado = 1;

    for(int i = 1; i <= ciclos; i++) {        
        if (i % 2 == 1) {
            resultado = resultado * 2;
        } else {
            resultado = resultado + 1;

    printf("\n\n  Voce escolheu %d, ciclos\n\n  Sendo assim voce tem %f metros.\n\n\n\n",ciclos, resultado);

int main() // programa principal
    calculaArvoreDaVida(); // chama funcao
    return 0;
  • to '1' and '2' for sure! already to 3 in front of everything different, and another has to change the result value from FLOAT to INT, but anyway, already in 3 is in 8 Mts, 4 is in 5 Mts, 7 is in 128Mts

  • True, the if have to check the index i and not the cycles. I have already arranged, is that I made the code in Swift and confused when posting here

  • Well, there is another however, besides giving an error 'C99' in the line of the for

  • @Accept this answer here, which is correct. The C99 error you received is because you are using a compiler configured for an old C standard, called C89, which does not accept declaring variables directly in for (for (int i = 1 ...). Your question does not require the answer to be C89, so this answer here is correct.



'cause I’ve solved the problem I’ll put the code here for anyone who wants to see the resolution.

#include <stdio.h>
void calculaArvoreDaVida() // sub programa
    int ciclos;
    int resultado = 1;
    int x;
        // cabecalho
        printf(" \n\n             --   ARVORE DA VIDA   --  \n\n");
        printf(" Digite 0 (zero) para sair do programa\n\n");
        printf("  Digite o valor de ciclos desejados: ");
        scanf("%d",&ciclos); // le valor digitado pelo usuario
        if (ciclos == 0) // se o usuario digitar zero em tela imprime mensagem
            printf("\n\n         BYE BYE !  \n\n"); // mensagem exibida caso valor digitado for zero
        for(x = 1; x <= ciclos; x++ ) // teste e implementacao
            if (x % 2 == 1)
                resultado = resultado * 2;
                resultado = resultado + 1;
        //mostra mensagem na tela caso sucesso
        printf("\n\n  Voce escolheu %d, ciclos\n\n  Sendo assim voce tem %d metros.\n\n\n\n",ciclos, resultado);
        // volta variavel resultado para 1 para refazer o ciclo sem nenhuma variavel atribuida.
        // pois se nao tiver ele vai pegar valores anteriores e manipular apartir daqueles
        // sendo assim nao da certo.
        resultado = 1;
    while(ciclos != 0);
int main() 
    calculaArvoreDaVida(); // chama funcao
    return 0;

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