How to make SELECT with ORDER BY and different criteria?


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People can select with 2 "ORDER BY"?


Dados da Tabela

If I make a SELECT like this:

select id,nome from CATEGORIA ORDER BY nome ASC

Mysql returns the names in alphabetical order, but I need it to always return the id:100 first and display the others in alphabetical order by column Name.

You can do this in a single SELECT?

7 answers


The ORDER BY allows you to specify various criteria:

SELECT ... ORDER BY expressao1, expressao2, expressao3...

In your case, that’s enough:

SELECT id, nome FROM categoria ORDER BY id != 100, nome

See working perfectly on SQL Fiddle.

  • The expression id != 100 will return false, which is ordained before true, leaving the chosen record always first. As a tiebreaker, it will be used nome.

  • You can use several conditions then in the same ORDER when you need more than one criterion, just sort from the most important to the least important, separating by comma.

    Example: ORDER BY idade, nome, pontos will order by idade, but when the age "stalls", will order by nome, and only in the case of idade and nome be equal is that the ordination will be pontos.

  • The keyword ASC is unnecessary as ascending ordering is the standard of the bank, but nothing prevents you from maintaining it. Of curiosity, could use ORDER BY id = 100 DESC, nome ASC that would equal.

  • I found your code much better and more explanatory than the others,.

  • 1

    @Falion grateful, the idea was to simplify even. There are other answers that have solved well too, but although we have several answers already, I preferred to show this shorter path.

  • @Bacco thought mine would be simpler before seeing this, rsrs. + 1 beautiful simplified.

  • @Marconi ours are very similar, I just gave a "bigger lip on the edges" so to speak. The general line is the same.

  • @Bacco surely that was a sensational response. :)

  • Very good, I didn’t know I could perform expressions on ORDER BY.

  • @Bacco thinks it would be worth editing the title of this question to: How to add criteria in order by? I believe that the question would be broader, thus covering a larger audience.

  • 1

    @Marconi tried to reach a consensus between his suggestion and the original title. It didn’t get so short, but I think it increases the chance of finding in a survey.

  • Bacana @Bacco, from time to time I do this in order to search for more readers. thanks!

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Use Case When. In my example only the registration with id 100 will be 1, then will be returned first.

The other records always returned 2 which will occur a draw, which is worth the second criterion in the Order by.

Table creation:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[testes](
    [id] [int] NULL,
    [nome] [varchar](50) NULL

insert into testes(id,nome)

insert into testes(id,nome)

insert into testes(id,nome)


select *
from testes
order by CASE WHEN id = 100 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, nome



I got the 100 always come first using two queries:

select id, nome from CATEGORIA where id = 100
(select id, nome from CATEGORIA where id != 100 ORDER BY nome ASC)

Note that the second query needs to be in parentheses, otherwise the ORDER BY shall order the two consultations.

  • 1

    I changed the query to bring only the 100 first, independent of the ordination.


You already have several answers, this is just one more way to do it:

          WHEN id = 100 THEN " "
          ELSE nome
       END AS ordenacao
  FROM categoria
 ORDER BY ordenacao

We created a calculated column to order the SELECT.

When the ID is equal to 100 the calculated column is worth a blank space, when ID is any other value, the column shall be equal to the column NOME.

This way, when we order, the line with the white space will come first.


I believe this works, I tested in another bank and it worked, I do not know if it will work in Mysql.

select, tabela.nome
from (select 1 as ordem, id, nome from categoria where id= 100
      select 2 as ordem, id, nome from categoria where id != 100
      order by 1,3) as tabela 
  • 3

    I did not understand why the negative vote. It may not be the best way or the most acceptable answer. I agree with @Emersonjs when he says he has several degrees to do and this is one of the N ways to do it. I was careful to test in Firebird (I use it frequently), however, I did not know if it worked in Mysql, even for syntax reasons.

  • 1

    Exactly. As far as we know, the intention is to vote positive in the best answers, not to vote negative in a correct answer. Negative votes shall be used for incorrect or intentionally negligent responses. But unfortunately we see many negative votes without any justification. Perhaps the staff need to read the instructions


Add a new column in the table called "position". Anyway, the name can be any other you want.

For ID 100, save the "position" column as 1, the others leave as 0 or null.

Then at the time of consulting, just sort by the "position" column in the same order with priority over the other sort rules.

select id,nome from CATEGORIA ORDER BY position DESC, nome ASC;

Be aware that it does not mean that it is the best nor the only solution.

I particularly prefer this way compared to other suggestions made because it makes it more flexible. Think about when you need to prioritize a different ID or when you want to reuse the routine for other things. You will have to change the code manually and do various hacks and adaptations.

  • um, that way I would have to create one more column in the table, that’s the only way?

  • 1

    It’s just another way to solve it. For any other solution without adding a new column, you will have to do Queries or double query, or strange conditions that make it difficult to migrate to another SGDB, or implement a query a little more complicated to make something so simple. So I just posted this as a suggestion. It doesn’t mean that it’s the best and it’s not the only solution. What seems to be simple by the size of the code may actually be worse.


place the sign in the sorting variables

select id,nome from CATEGORIA ORDER BY 'position' DESC, 'nome' ASC;

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