Doubt with Viewbag, loading information for editing


Viewed 167 times


I’m with a mistake, when I go to make a record, I upload the information this way:

var tbuscarCategoria = new CadastroCategoriaAplicacao();
var listarCategoria = tbuscarCategoria.ListarTodos();
ViewBag.Categoria = new SelectList(listarCategoria, "IDCATEGORIA", "DESCRICAO");

In the edition of the record, I need to select the category that is in the client register, at this point I have an error:

    public ActionResult AlteraRegistro(int id)
            if (Session["id"] == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");


                var tbuscar = new CadastroClienteAplicacao();
                TB_CLIENTE tbCliente = tbuscar.ListarPorID(id);

                var tbuscarCategoria = new CadastroCategoriaAplicacao();
                var listarCategoria = tbuscarCategoria.ListarTodos();
                ViewBag.Categoria = new SelectList(listarCategoria, "IDCATEGORIA", "DESCRICAO",tbCliente.tbIDCATEGORIA.IDCATEGORIA);

                return View(tbCliente);

            catch (Exception)
                TempData["Erro"] = "Erro ao Alterar Registro.";
                return RedirectToAction("ListarRegistro", "CadastroCliente");

1 answer


The problem was occurring because in my class in had an integration with the category table:

        [Display(Name = "Categoría:")]
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Campo Obrigatório")]
        public TB_CATEGORIA tbIDCATEGORIA { get; set; }

I made the change to only get the IDCATEGORIA of the registration itself:

        [Display(Name = "Categoría:")]
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Campo Obrigatório")]
        public int IDCATEGORIA { get; set; }

To load the data in the registration view I have:

            var tbuscarCategoria = new CadastroCategoriaAplicacao();
            var listarCategoria = tbuscarCategoria.ListarTodos();
            ViewBag.Categoria = new SelectList(listarCategoria, "IDCATEGORIA", "DESCRICAO");

In view

            <div class="col-md-3 form-group">
                @Html.LabelFor(x => x.IDCATEGORIA)
                @Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.IDCATEGORIA, ViewBag.Categoria as SelectList, new { @class = "form-control" })
                @Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.IDCATEGORIA)

To load the data in the registration edition I have:

                var tbuscar = new CadastroClienteAplicacao();
                TB_CLIENTE tbCliente = tbuscar.ListarPorID(id);

                var tbuscarCategoria = new CadastroCategoriaAplicacao();
                var listarCategoria = tbuscarCategoria.ListarTodos();
                ViewBag.Categoria = new SelectList(listarCategoria, "IDCATEGORIA", "DESCRICAO", tbCliente.IDCATEGORIA);

That solved the problem.

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