how to access the jbutton that is in the other class?


Viewed 754 times


I got the jbutton in the main class, so I put him in the public room so I could access from another class. but you’re not doing the right thing

public class piscarbt{

 tela t = new tela();
public void piscar(){




esse a foto do código fonte do botão, ele está no netbeans

I made this code and the color of jbutton does not change, remembering that in the main class it ispublic javax.swing.JButton jButton1;

I don’t know what to do

  • It’s not very easy to do, but it’s not impossible to learn. See

2 answers


You can leave the button as static:

Private Static JButton btnBotão;

And create a statistical method to call this button:

public static JButton getButton(){ return btnBotao; }

all this in the main class.

In the class you call this button you can call by the statistical method:

Principal.getButton().addActionListener() .... anyway, implements as you wish


Get a button in the main class:

public JButton getBotao() {
return seuBotao;

In the other instance class the main:

ClassePrincipal controle = new ClassePrincipal():

And your code will stay that way:

JButton botao = controle.getBotao();

Try it and give feedback

  • That alone will not solve, depending on what LAF is being applied. For whoever colors the button is the Uimanager, and that method alone does not change the bakcground.

  • what I must do diego

  • @Diogocipriano I posted a link with an example, maybe if you adapt, meet.

  • I managed to change his color but there’s one but I have him change it twice using thread and he only changes the last one every time

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