How do I open a submenu just by going over the menu?


Viewed 4,263 times


I have the following css menu:

<div class="collapse navbar-collapse"> 
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"> 
        <li class="scroll <? if(!$this->uri->segment(1)) echo "active"; ?>"><a href="<? echo base_url(); ?>">Home</a></li> 
        <li class="scroll <? if($this->uri->segment(1)=='empresa') echo "active"; ?>"><a href="<? echo base_url("empresa/detalhes/1/sobre-a-nuclemig"); ?>">Institucional</a></li> 
        <li class="scroll <? if($this->uri->segment(1)=='curso') echo "active"; ?>"><a href="<? echo base_url("curso"); ?>">Cursos</a></li> 
        <li class="scroll <? if($this->uri->segment(1)=='unidade') echo "active"; ?>"><a href="<? echo base_url("unidade"); ?>">Unidades</a></li> 
        <li class="scroll"><a style="cursor:pointer" id="manual-ajax">Quero Desconto</a></li> 
        <li class="scroll <? if($this->uri->segment(1)=='vantagem') echo "active"; ?>"><a href="<? echo base_url("vantagem"); ?>">Vantagens Exclusivas</a>
            <li class="scroll"><a href="">Design</a><li>
            <li class="scroll"><a href="">Development</a><li>
            <li class="scroll"><a href="">Marketing</a><li>
        <li class="scroll <? if($this->uri->segment(1)=='depoimento') echo "active"; ?>"><a href="<? echo base_url("depoimento"); ?>">Depoimentos</a></li> 
        <li class="scroll <? if($this->uri->segment(1)=='faleconosco') echo "active"; ?>"><a href="<? echo base_url("faleconosco"); ?>">Fale Conosco</a></li> 

I need that when passing the mouse in advantage, for example, descend the submenu, how can I do this? I am using the normal bootstrap class to manage the menu.

1 answer


just add the CSS:

ul.nav li.dropdown:hover ul.dropdown-menu
    display: block; 

i.e., when you hover over (Hover) the menu li the submenu ul is shown (display: block;)

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